I Anarchist (or Why I am an Anarchist)

Nov 18, 2009 20:02

Today I found out my friend's fiance will be spending the next thirty days in jail for contempt of court.

But let's start at the begining.

My friend, we will call her S, is engaged to be married to a man named C. S has two children at home, and is in the process of adopting her neice (since her mom has drug problems). S is one of the best people I know, salt of the earth, honest and decent; she is a mother, that's what she does, and she does it well.

C is a good guy dealt a shitty hand, fallen on hard times. He has two children whom he had just won back from the social care system. Their mother had been a drug addict, and lost custody of the kids. C and his ex took the kids, and the ex abused them -C lost his kids to the foster care system. C fought like a madman, going above and beyond to get his kids back (who were being severely abused in the foster care system). Then he lost his job at the machine shop he's worked at for the past twenty-five years.

S meets C, they fall in love and after a year of dating they decide to marry. They decide, that together, they will build that basic and most essential building block of civilization and society. C is in the process of getting his kids, almost out of the system at last! Everything looks great! S is a registered foster parent now (remember this) too and her neice is living with her! Everything, for their hard work is paying off.

Cue the tragety.

The courts hear C has a girlfirend, so they decide if C and S are going to be allowed to date, S has to take random drug tests for the next six months (S has never had so much as a speeding ticket or a joint in her life). S, being a full time working mom, has a hard time with this. S misses one drop because she can't leave her kids stranded at school.

The courts decide since S missed a drop (one out of fifteen +) she must be a drug addict. The courts inform C that he and S are no longer allowed to date. The courts decide to keep C's kids in the system for another year, and they can-not get married. They can not build that most vital and essential structure.

But, oh, it gets worse.

C, who has been strugling and was planning on moving in with S can't now. C looses his appartment. The courts also find out that C and his kids stayed the night with S and her kids (their was-soon-to-be-family) and they are angry! C, didn't you hear us when we told you you could not date S? C, now unable to live with S, is about to be on the street.

The courts take C's kids since they will be homeless soon. C wants to die. S wants to die. The courts, not yet satisfied with ruinng four lives for C's impudence charge C with Contempt of Court for staying the night with S -how dare a grown man stay the night with his fiance without the court's approval! He must be punished.

So, right now, today, at this moment, C sits in a jail cell: no children, no home, no family, no freedom, no real reason to live.

There is no justice in any system.
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