The highlight of my month is an old man and a saw; and this is not sad.

Oct 07, 2009 01:38

The weekend was good, I brought my friend Kelly out to my family's and they all seemed to get along pretty well. She had a hard time with my mother at first, her being much like me and prone to challenging someone for the sake of it. People tend to think I'm an asshole and egotistical (which are both true, but in moderation) because I like to argue, or debate as I see it. I like thrusting my ideas and another's into the fire, and to see which comes out stronger -both hopefully more refined for the effort. Sadly, most people prefer to bobble head each other, sticking to those paths that are agreed upon in an attempt to create harmony. I find this boring, but sadly it's become the status quo of our social politic of small waves. This is not my family, and most certianly not my mother. I think Kelly came to understand this a little more, which is good for her I think.

My grandfather asked for my help for about twenty minutes or so (ie, half the day). When I arrived I saw a two handled band saw lying on the ground (the kind lumberjacks used a hundred years ago, or so), a sledge hammer and a set of wedges. Next to these was a three and a half foot thick section of black walnut trunk. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

It was hard, and depressing that my grandfather easily kept up with me throughout the work. It makes me realize how soft of a city dweller I am, and appreciate the rewards of hard work as I watch an eighty-year old man who seems near to immortal. I enjoyed it thought, I like spending time with my grandfather even if he rarely speaks (he is a quiet man to say the least). I feel stronger and more self relaint everytime I do.

I took my DC Electricty Final earlier. I scored a 96% and got the bonus question (which only one other person managed to figure out), putting me at the top of the class again, and above the nearest other by around 3%. My overall score will still take a hit from the class, from a 99.25% to around a 98%. This was the gom jabbar though, and I watched our GPA's break ranks - the average for the test was 81%, and the class average is now around 85%. Normally I'm not so concerned about my grades in relation to others, and I try to be very communal when studying and helpful when others need it -but the fact of the matter is, better grades equal better jobs and there's only so many good ones to go around.

Today was pretty funny too. We all screw with eachother a lot, often really immature, but hilarious. Today one of the guys was texting me, fucking with me. We went back and forth for a while, then he left class. I asked his buddy why and he said he was going to take a picture of his shit and send it to me. So I went into the bathroom, looked for his shoes, made about twenty wads of wet toilet paper and then jumped on the toilet next to his and starting pelting him with them while he was in the middle, screaming "here man, sometimes you need a wet one, right!".

He's not going to live it down for a while.

Also, a song I wrote a while back. For Leeann, in the spirit of her last post about the human condition and being alone.

Well it's always a matter of convince
When the weather's fair,
We'll make a plan to meet.
Head down to the park, catch a show,
Spread out blankets on the beach.
We'll wait for clouds to grow heavy
then drink ourselves to sleep.

It's so plain,
To be unloved like this.
It's my fault,
Because I never call.
Once the precedent's been set
It's hard to forget,
What a shitty friend I am.

Well it's always like this I guess
I'm only ever half here,
Because I'm always in my head.
I'd invite you in if I could,
We would watch my errant thoughts
Flicker by when I think of you
So you'd know that you are loved.

It's so plain,
to be unloved like this.
It's my fault,
Because I never call.
Cause it always feels so cheap,
To have to try,
To be a good friend.

They say everything is temporary
To get through a bad day.
But not me, that's what I say
When someone I love slips away.

Yeah, that's what I say.
That's what I say.

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