Jan 16, 2009 10:51
I'm not sure how much to update, but I will.
I'm feeling better, got over the sick in about two weeks... I think that's a record for me for those types of illnesses! I still can't hear 100% out of my left ear, though :(
Work is going very well, and I've been working hard (though, right now, I need a desperate break from this copying and pasting, so I'm updating LJ). I love having my own apartment, been playing WoW, reading, and I'm planning on getting involved in a few volunteer projects. I found one where you e-mail a kid around the 3-5th grade age, and read the same books they're reading in class. I think it would be great, because a child's insights would be so different from mine... and I never really read the books we were supposed to read in those grade levels, because I was way beyond them. I was wishing I'd get Martin Luther King Jr. day off too, because the Toys for Tots program got such a huge response, they need someone to help sort the leftover toys in their warehouse. Unfortunately, I don't get that day off work :(
I'm eating better and feeling healthy, although the workout routine was screwed up severely the past few weeks because I got ill. I'm not super stressed out anymore, which is great, it's nice to come to work smiling and laughing, people tend to want to be near me.
I do miss all my friends, though. It's been a long time since I've been around many of them. It'd be nice if I could get around to organizing a gathering, but I tend to get Draken's plague or need to help out my parents and never get around to it.