Feb 24, 2006 17:03
.the part that i like the best is her personality and how it fits into the way everyone asks for tagalongs, and then she offers more.
.two little scabs and one blotch became a face thats almost too invisable and unnoticed for someone to care.
.misconseption of speech for the day, "i forgot to pluck my butt"
.as im sitting here, i feel as if im going to burst, have an orgasm, do something really unnecessary. i have to pee.
.more than you know.
.the eyes and the voice and the scruff and the harsh gruff made me want to go to pendleton. somethings wrong with me.
.but its okay, because its for da fam.
.i have a stomache knot. the kind of feeling, the kind of thing that happens that occurs when someone sits next to you that is waaay too sketch to be sitting next to you. or even within a 50 feet.
.i wiiiiiish. so much. so much.
.Center For Medically Fragile Children? why not just say, Center For Retarded Retards and The Brain Damaged. jesus.
.i cant hear anything when im not listening. its hilarious.
.god his mustache is so eneven. i guess he cut it wrong cause he has chunks missing.