stop press! UEFA get something right for once?

Aug 01, 2007 11:08

Yesterday UEFA imposed a stiff fine on Albania's coach, Otto Baric, for homophobic remarks he made in an interview in 2004.

The Guardian mentions it as a 100-word breaking news snippet here. La Gazzetta Dello Sport has more information, including the remarks Baric made, here. [Google Translate recommended - it won't make it any easier to understand, but it'll make you laugh]. GdS characterizes this decision as "tough," and views it as UEFA coming down hard on institutionalised homophobia.

I really don't know. It's nice to see that UEFA are capable of making the occasional decision with their heads bared to the sun, but three years for dealing with a single instance of individual offence? I guess those crackdowns on stadium racism should be coming any time in the next seven hundred, then!

football: current events

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