Jun 03, 2008 08:03
This is no life for a man.
I am going to be lat for work today. again. It's five after eight in the morning and I have to leave in 15 minutes to drive 35 minutes form here. I have to be at work by 9 a.m. and it's not going to happen. And, honestly, I don't give two shits.
the frustration is coming back but I'm still having trouble thinking. Times such as now, when I'm late or shouldn't be writing, seem to be the only times I feel it necessary to do so. I think I may start taking my lap-top to work with me for my lunch breaks, but I can't see what good it will do yet. Most of my lunch time is spent reading or watching Jeopardy!
There is no longer a desire to go to my job. I know I'll be there at least 11 hours, I know my knees and feet will hurt when I get home. My wife will have already eaten dinner and be ready for bed by the time I get home. I'll be too tired to eat and still have to shower when I come home. and know that by the time I get home, I have 12 hours (sometimes less) to eat, shower, sleep, talk to my wife and get back to work to do it again. This happens to too many people all over the world every day.
this is no life for a man.
My father is the greatest man I know. Feeling as I do now, going through what I'm going through and knowing he did all of this already and still does it after 42 years (he'll be 58 in July) I can't see myself being able to go on as long as him. He did all that I'm doing now and, at my age, he had two children already. and would have a third in a few years to add to it all. I cannot thank him enough for all he has does and has done for my sisters and me. At the age of 57, my father drives 50 minutes (one way) to work and puts in 54 hours a week.
that is no life for a man.
and I will not have my life go his way if at all possible.
I now have 6 minutes to dress, get my things and be on the road.
I think I'll take my time.
because: that's the life I want.