"yea, everyone's got to have the sickness, 'cause eveyone seems to need the cure. precious cure."

Jan 26, 2008 06:49

After just over four and a half hours of sleeping I awoke sweating and barely able to breathe. My mouth was dry, my neck was sore and there was no air-flow through my nose.
I had fallen asleep on the couch watching television out of boredom because, at 2:09 this morning (the last time I had looked at the clock) I was still very much awake and did not feel like sleeping. At some point my body must have disagreed: I woke up at 6:38 a.m. feeling how I mentioned above. In the ten to fifteen minutes I have been awake I have blown my nose a half-dozen times and drank over 32 oz. of fluids between water and orange juice.
The coughing hurts my throat and my nose won’t stop running. Both symptoms from a sinus infection going on its fourth day.
Outside it is snowing.
The quest for inspiration continues and I am going to have to start taking those steps myself. I will try to get as far as I can manage to go without getting too far ahead as to leave others out of reach. This is my choice, waiting takes too long.
There is more that I could put here, I am sure, but it escapes me at the moment. Perhaps it will come to me at a later time and with it…

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