Officially official!

Dec 09, 2010 08:26

John and I are DONE Christmas shopping!!  Now all we have to do is pray the things we ordered online ship in time for us to leave for family visit in Florida.  Oh and we have to wrap gifts.  I even got my $25 gift exchange gift for the office party next Thursday!  GO ME!

Oo!  I get paid today!  I'd forgotten about that.

I wanted to play DCU Online last night but there was an 8 gig patch that had to download and install so I left my computer on and went to bed.  Poop.  Oh well.  I'll play tonight after I exercise.  I've been bad about that this week.  I only got on the eliptical Monday.

My Uncle Tom is in town for a long weekend so the next few days is going to be about D&D and family visits, Christmas cookies and tree trimming.  WOOT WOOT!  I bought Andre Bochelli's Christmas CD at Target to help me get in the holiday spirit.  It's helping a lot though it's funny listening to him sing English carols all upbeat and silly after I've heard him do super super serious opera stuff.  Either way it's a great CD.

Okay work calls.
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