Yoga and another work day

Sep 15, 2010 08:31

Well I did go to yoga last night and I'm so glad I went.  It was a great time and I left feeling peaceful and confident.  Jen (cool instructor lady) put us in poses that are considered precursers to inversions such as forearm stand, head stand and hand stand.  DIFFICULT and it made my forearms hurt but I did them as much as I could.  I also asked her for some recommendations to suppliment my home practice so she gave me a website to check out and videos to consider purchasing when I have the money.  Excellent!

Today we found out that the drawings we submitted to GMU yesterday were lovely but not enough.  We need 7 full sized sets.  Ugh.  So now we've got to get them printed on a rush order and I may or may not have to drive down there again to deliver them.  Wheeeeeeee!  I'm hoping I don't have to go and I'm hoping I do get to go cuz if I go then I can leave here early and just go home after the delivery is done.  SO conflicted!
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