(no subject)

Apr 04, 2007 10:18

I love my little brother.

He's here for just over two weeks - arrived on Saturday and leaves on the 16th - and has transformed into a functional human being, which makes me horribly jealous and is making me try to get my act together a little more. He's now the kind of person who goes and buys milk when we run out, and who does the dishes and puts the washing on and tidies up the living room on his own violation. :O The house is tidier than it's been since I stopped being competent.

A pretty large part of the problem is my Internet Addiction. I can't exactly stop using the internet, since I've got so many wonderful friends I wouldn't be able to talk to otherwise, but once my work schedule goes back to normal I'm going to make Wednesday Read A Fucking Book night. NO INTERNETS FOR ME ON WEDNESDAYS. (Actually I may as well start that today, seeing as I'm going to Moda straight after work tonight. Yaaaaay scrummy fruit cocktails!) And two of my free afternoon/mornings a week I'll try to get to the gym.

When I was seventeen this stuff just came naturally, or so it felt like. I got one full free day from college, which I'd spend cleaning the house; my other free time I spent studying at the college library; at lunch I'd go to the gym. I might have studied to the point of obsession but at least my house was tidy! (No, seriously, I mean, I would spend good portions of the day scrubbing my couch with an old toothbrush and baby shampoo. It was really pretty tidy.) Maybe it's something about being seventeen? That's how old the Bruv is now.

Weird to think that he's the same age I was when I started looking after him.

teh bruv, look i'm a grown-up really, home

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