THERE'S A GEN BATTLE GUYS GO AND SUBMIT PROMPTS FOR THE GEN BATTLE :D :D :D I've submitted a whole load, and am nervously planning away at a few I'd like to fulfill - I just worry that I'm not really all that good a writer, and should stick to going LOL GUYS WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME IF x DID y AFTER z DID a? But fandom needs more of people having lulzy adventures with their pants still on, so.
In other news: my household is no longer a six-nation home :( German!housemate went back to Germany a few weeks ago, which was very sad (she gave us all Kinder chocolate and Viss Power Milch cleaning spray as a goodbye gift; she was easily the most organised, housework-wise, of the lot). Our new exchange student is American. This is clearly unfair. They're in the majority now; the balance of power is disrupted. ;____;
Also, classes back on Monday! Fucking finally.