(no subject)

May 13, 2007 13:21

Oh, hello. It's been awhile. I figured I would spare your friends pages my angst, then happiness, then not feeling so good, then really not caring. The lowdown over the past several months:

- Turned 21, had a lovely meal at Shiki in the driving snow. Haven't really been drinking much since then.
- I finished my two-quarter film, 'Blackout Blues' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDmB550OFsw). It was tough, but I am pleased with the final product. Now if only my DVD burner would come back from the dead so I can actually give copies to people.
- Gave up on anti-depressants due to really iffy side effects. Happily embracing birth control, though.
- My thesis proposal was approved, so I will be filming a thesis half in Japan, half in the United States. It will be the story of a girl who wants some things and dates older men to get them, and the fellow in the U.S. who wants the aforementioned girl.
- I might be filming a documentary in Italy this summer at the request of the head of a small opera company, but I'm not sure I'll have the time to. However, flying from Tokyo to Milan would be very great.
- Essential music of the past few months: Broadcast, Shugo Tokumaru, Panda Bear, Deerhoof and Ratatat.
- Single currently, pretty okay with it. Though my ovaries insist I must find an alpha male to father my children, stat.
- Though, I am very withdrawn since being single, making me feel (irrationally or otherwise) that I have caused people to dislike me.
- Still trying to turn this loneliness into creativity. Hasn't worked yet. But if it does, it will be gorgeous.

I will be in Japan in a little over two weeks from now, from May 29th through August 3rd. This includes a 6-week study abroad, thesis filming, and camping in Hokkaido. It will maybe include an overnight stay at a Buddhist temple, perhaps clubs in Shibuya, a great deal of karaoke and trying to write my apocalypse story. Probably I will update with lovely pictures to make me feel validated. If you would like a postcard or gift from my escapist paradise, please let me know with an address or something.
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