A few of you may remember that during the recent kerfuffle about fan fiction one of the noted authors suggested the way to make everything okay was to change the names. We bring to you now the
FOTSeN automator!
With this wonderful piece of technology (built by
kludge) you too can miraculously turn any AO3 archived fan fiction into "original" fiction with just the touch of a button! Just give it the URL or story ID of any publicly visible story in the AO3 archive, up to 20 names and their replacements and set it to work.
Want to see how the story would read if it was set in another fandom? Squicked by RPF but want to read the characters in an Actor!AU? You can do that too, just by switching the names!
And all for the low, low price of FREE!
Enjoy :-)
NB 1. For those wondering - the script works in real-time, directly from the archive and does not store or keep any of the stories being converted.
NB 2. This was written as a lighthearted joke in response to an uninformed suggestion. Taking it seriously is bad for everyone's blood pressure.
Originally posted at
http://fides.dreamwidth.org/7624.html. There are
comments there.