(no subject)

Jun 08, 2009 12:08

In any case i'll post recent events!

we finished 1st! Although this in itself is nothing to boast about, and we undoubtedly got through qute a lot by luck :x (our physical standard definitely can't match up to the physiacl prowess of some people), still it's qute something to see our efforts (mostly failed, slack fun trainings though :) ) culminate into something physical, a proof and validation of our goal.
Still the prelims have ended, and we should turn towards THE FINALS! let's get a good result regardless and try our best! and step up on our trainings as well. Good job team 2 as well! they got 2nd. may we have more trainings whereby we just play weird memory games.
I LOVE OUR SHIRT. it was made superbly last minute! but we all wore it. ANDI LOVE OUR LACES.

hillary challenge is motivating me to start running again. sheesh. so it's around 4.8 km everyday in the park on in the gym, depending (sundays not included!) and it's freaking tiring but rewarding and i'm not getting any more muscles though. right. WTH!

Platoonmates are sooooo stupid and dumb. That is the conclusion i have drawn over the years, but it can be gleaned by an astute observer all in the space of 30 mins in that little capsule that we paid 10 bucks for. it's kind of stupid, but sans dout the singapore flyer does give you a paranomic view of singapore, and who better to share this experience that a bunch of cam-whoring platoonmates? (OKAY i'm talking mostly about LAQ, but her entire being pervades the whole atmosphere, that's why she's encik right!)  anyway it was a really really gay platoon outing.and ocnsidering it's last muinteness the fact that we got almost the whole platoon down is a remarkable achievement.
There was some drama regarding stupid THL'S LATENESS we almost missed the freaking flyer which we paid 10 bucks for. she came in wheels and glory of a taxi after going weirdly into some direction or another (she had a taxi and wanted to alight at city hall instead of the flyer, how dumb can one get?!) yup. amusing. then i had to rush off to mentor's meeting where everyone was there (another achievement on its own) and we ate really nice ice cream. haha.


it went up, but it was my lowest EVER (does that make sense) and also the only pleasant surprise was HISTORY (:):):)) where i improved so much from the first test, wow :) my english is as lousy as ever, i have no idea why, although i will review this over the holidays if i didn't have to go out so much. after that i went with amanda to eat what she claimed was the spiciest ramen ever eaten, which left us with NO CONVERSATION and just trying to ingest those chilli padis. WE ARE SADISTS. it was just torture eating another mouthful, but it was NICE TORTURE. <3
then ran to cathay to get some food with platoonamtes and playing with XIAO XIAO BAI THAT CUTE IDIOT.

okay will probably post soon

hillary challenge, school, gpa, life, ncc

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