Maybe you're going a little too far there, George

May 22, 2012 21:56

The internet is full of an amazing number of things, but you knew that already, right? And some of these things are interesting, and some of them offer insight to How Other People See Things, and some of them you agree with, and some of them you disagree with, and some are just fun to look at. Every so often, you'll run across one that does all of these things for you at once

So there's this Tumblr called Fuck Your Noguchi Coffeetable, which is here to let us know that certain trends in modern decorating--especially DIY decorating are--overdone. I've spent more than a couple of idle moments looking through it, trying to decide for myself if I agree that the targets they take aim at are really as bad as all that. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't, and sometimes the things that set me off in a specific room are something the owner-operators of FYNC let slide. It may be that your personal taste is, well, your personal taste, and it may be that I'm operating in a different decorating ecology.

The very first post, from January 29 of this year, leads off with an assault on the iconic and eponymous coffee table. The problem with this picture is that the coffee table, unless you hate Mid-century Modern design so much that you have lost any capacity for rationality on the subject, is not the worst thing in the shot.

What's the worst thing in the shot? The posters? No, they may be garish, but they're not the worst things in the shot The stairway is the worst thing in the shot. Imagine going up and down that thing with a basket of laundry or a sleeping child in your arms. Imagine getting a vacuum cleaner up and down those stairs. The Noguchi coffee table may be overdone in some circles, but it's fairly easy to ignore, and it serves adequately as a coffee table. That's more than I can say for that staircase.

There are things that get done too much in interior decoration. Sometimes it's because it's easy, sometimes it's because it's a cheap workable solution to a domestic need. Sometimes it's because we've been convinced it looks good, and it probably did before everyone did it, but now it looks a little silly and unimaginative.

I believe in letting people do what they want in their own spaces--they're the ones who live there, after all, and William Morris's famous saying "Have nothing in your house which you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful" can stretch to cover a multitude of things.

We will never reach a meeting of minds on the topic of the terrarium, I'm afraid.

fy, fynct!

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