And therefore, there will be a cut before this lastest episode of Humorous Cat Dialogues.
Jemmy: *scratches with vast enthusiasm in recently1 cleaned litter box*
Pretty Boy: Whatcha doin'?
Jemmy: This litterbox! It's clean! And I am the first! The very first! I feel like that guy in the poem, Cortez, or what's his name, staring upon the Pacific Ocean, from that peak in Darien, wherever that it.
Pretty Boy: I reckon you mean alboa, but that's OK, that Keats fella got in wrong in his poem.
Jemmy: *concentrates upon business at hand*
Zaza: You mind? There are others here who be interested in getting in there.
Jenny: *scratches with great dedication* *leaps from box*
Minerva: Fidelio just got into the cat box in the back room and rearranged everything. It's all changed.
Zaza: You mean she cleaned it out.
Minerva: I can't find anything in it.
Zaza: I'm going to hate myself for asking, but what did you have in there besides,you know, the usual things that end up in the litter box?
Jemmy: Don't ask. You don't really want to know.
Zaza: My curiosity is now piqued. *wanders into back room*
Zaza: So, Fidelio, what was in that litter bix. Besides, you know, the usual sort of thing one finds in there?
Fidelio: What are you going on about? *scritches Zaza*
Zaza: Hey! Jemmy! It's a clean litter bx *begins edging slowly towards cleaned box*
Jemmy *appears as if borne on the wings of angels. Teleporting angels.* Mine!
*laps into box, assumes expression of intense concentration*
Bob: Um, Jemmy, why do you always have to be first?
Jemmy: They're mine, all of them, all mine, and I alone can use them.
Bob: Demonstrably, this is not true. We all use them!
Jemmy: But they're mine, because I use every one of them first!
Bob: You might want to top up with a long drink of water, because Fidelio's going after the one in her room.
Jemmy: Mine! All mine! *scatters litter broadcast as he heads off to find the next clean litter box*
1 That is, within the past 30 seconds,which is, in litter box time in a multi-cat household, about two hours ago.