random conversations and events

Sep 18, 2011 21:24

about 3:45 AM 9/18/2011

Fidelio: *moves right ankle from under sleeping cat* *whimpers in pain as hyperextended knee reacts to new position*

Sleeping Cat AKA Minerva: *sleeps*

about 4:35 AM 9/18/2011

Jemmy: *leaps across Fidelio's recumbent form* Hello! I said, Hello! HELLO!! HELLO!!!!!

Fidelio: *resolutely keeps eyes closed*

Jemmy: You know, in a bare half an hour, it will be astronomical twilight.

Fidelio: determinedly keeps eyes closed:

Jemmy: You may find it of interest that there are in fact three distinct periods of twilight: astronomical twilight, nautical twilight, and civil twilight.

Fidelio: *lies motionless, eyes closed and silent, as if in a coma*

Jemmy: You may in fact wonder why this distinction is present--hey! Listen up! I am talking to you! Pay attention!

Fidelio: *remains unresponsive*

Jemmy: You know what this means, don't you? This means-war! *roots about in wastebasket, extracts item* *begins chewing item right by Fidelio's ear*

Fidelio: *removes cellophane fortune cookie wrapper from cat's maw* *closes eyes again*

Jemmy: *extracts another wrapper, repeats process*

Fidelio: *removes second wrapper from cat's maw*

Jemmy: Now that you've demonstrated you are alive, how about some kibble-in-dish aciton here?

Fidelio: *seizes cat, holds him upside down*

Jemmy: I'm pretty sure I can find something elese noisy to chew on, if that's what it takes.

about 7:15 AM, 9/18/2011

Fidelio: *acknowledges that new day has dawned* *finds eyeglasses, dons same* *confronts five cats, watching procedure with interest* I suppose you all want food.

Jemmy: If you'd done this two hours ago you could be asleep now. I'm just sayin'.

about 12:55 PM, 9/18/2011

Fidelio: *reclines on couch*

Minerva: *parks self beside Fidelio* I do like football season. Are you going to take a nap now?

about 3:25 PM, 9/18/2011

Fidelio: *continues to recline on couch*

Zaza: *leaps into spot recently vacated by Minerva* You're not doing anything. You could pet me.
*pokes Fidelio with paw* Now! *pokes again*

Fidelio: *rubs cat's ears*

Zaza: Not bad, but you look as if you think you can stop soon.

Fidelio: *closes eyes*

Zaza: Hey! *pokes with paw*

about 4:05 PM 9/18/2011

Bob: *flees incontinently through hall, dining room, living room, dining room, kitchen* A monkey touched me! A monkey touched me!

Jemmy: Technically, I think they're closer to primates, if I understood that Discovery Science program correctly.

Bob: My autonomy has been violated and you're talking about taxonomy! O, woe! O hateful world! Does no one here understand my suffering?

Pretty Boy: You know, I was asleep until you ran across my head just now. It's awfully hard to sympathize with someone who does that, especially when their 'violated' is my 'ear rubs' or 'skritchins'.

Bob: Alas!

Jemmy: I think we can download the Sorrows of Young Werther for him when they're at work tomorrow.

6:25PM 9/18/2011

Jemmy: The dogs get to go out, you get to go out, why can't I go out?

Stringwoman: *blocks move with foot* Because we said so.

Jemmy: I think I may have hairball issues on your coat sometime soon.

Stringwoman: All the way through a closed door? That's impressive.

Jemmy: *perches with extreme dignity on hall table*

feline follies; conversations with cats;, feline follies, cats, conversations with cats

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