stringwoman: Is there anything for dinner? I am most hungry and could devour the dog, although I love him dearly.
fidelioscabinet: Why, indeed there is, and it can be ready quickly. *enters kitchen* *prepares panfried fish filets dusted with cornmeal seasoned with chili powder, as well as some frozen vegetables steamed in the microwave*
Small irritating dog: yap yap yap yap yapyapity yapyapyap
F: What does that mean?
S: She wants some. On her own little plate, with maybe a tiny sprig of parsley.
F: Dream on, dog.
Large dog: *yearns soundlessly*
Jemmy: *adores the stove, the altar upon which his idol, the pan-fried fish rests*
Minerva: *sits and glares*
F: Look, come on and get yours before they kill us.
S: Hey, vegetables! We're eating healthy food! *fills plate, departs*
F: *Fills plate, begins to eat*
Jemmy: *leaps up onto table, glares balefully*
Bob & Mr. C.A. (Pretty Boy) Floyd: *gaze up piteously from the floor*
S: *reappears* Nest time, Hannah gets her own piece of fish. She hurt me to get at the plate. *goes to sink, washes blood off*
Jemmy: You are so lucky we're not like that old besom.
F: Yeah, I'd be lying dead on the floor while you fought each other over the fish.
Jemmy: I calculate there was a piece for each of us, if you and
stringwoman had gone down. Even the dogs could have had a piece of their own.