
Jan 11, 2011 20:47

I had to go out into the driven slush because we were just about out of cat food, and there was no telling how much more of the stuff we'd get that night--and whether we could count on snow (dealable) or ice (evil).

Needless to say, there was much rejoicing when the kibble was scattered into the various dishes last night and this morning, and when I got home from work this evening, I was met by an energetic committee of felines.

Fidelio: You're awfully insistent on this so early in the evening.

Bob: We are starving!

There was a chorus from the assembled multitudes: Staaaaarrrrrrrrviiiinnnngg!

Fidelio: What have you all done to be so hungry?

There was a general shuffling about. Finally, Jemmy spoke up.

Jemmy: It's the snow. It's causing to burn up calories at a much faster rate. You could look it up.

The others agreed.

Fidelio: I understand that people working outside in cold weather burn more calories. Shoveling snow counts as heavy labor. But all you've been is lying around watching the stuff.

Minerva: That counts.

Bob: Absolutely.

Zaza: You could look it up.

Jemmy: Yeah, you could find proof of just about anything on the internet.

Bob: It's what the internet is for. Proving stuff.

Fidelio: Well, I don't doubt that you can find something claiming to support just about anything on the internet, let's limit ourselves to your caloric needs.

Bob: Which needs to be met like, now.

Fidelio: Or?

Bob: Or we will rampage furiously throughout the house, destroying everything in our path in our frantic search for sustenance.

Fidelio: Thus burning up even more calories in your frenzy.

Bob: Yeah, this could kill us, especially if we get hypothermia.

Mr. C. A. (Pretty Boy) Floyd: It would be tragic. Like, you know, the Franklin Expedition or the Donner Party or something.

Bob: We might have to eat you.

Fidelio: Do tell.

Minerva: Yes, it would be less trouble than the dogs; they have all that fur to deal with. Plus, you're larger.

Jemmy: To say nothing of the damage to the landscape.

Bob: There is that.

Minerva: So, are you feeding us now or what?

Fidelio: I'm sure you'll just come up with more arguments if I say no.

Jemmy: Your comprehension is most impressive.

Bob: Truly.

feline follies, cats, conversations with cats

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