Even better

Sep 19, 2005 10:42

Cape Breton Live is even better this week. And I didn't know that was possible! I really hope they let me play a sample on the radio to promote their show.

It was a good weekend. It started off with the inaugural concert of the World Music Festival in Millenium Park on Friday night. We picnicked with some friends and had a fun time. On Saturday, I drove to Kalamazoo to play with Donnybrook in their Irish festival. Bohola was there as well, and of course they were incredible. We sold a bunch of CDs (close to 80), which is a record since I've been in the band, and that's going on five years now. Hard to believe, really, that I've been with Donnybrook that long.

On Sunday we dorked around the house a bit, then we headed downtown to catch Celtic Fest. Saw Tim Britton in the piper's tent. ottery found it hard to believe he was so young. Actually, he's much older than he looks. He does a lot of meditation and yoga, so it makes you wonder if these things keep you young. Anyways, he said he would listen to our show on WHPK if he was passing through the downtownish area around that time.

We saw the back half of the show with Liz Carroll and Daithi Sproule, then the Old Blind Dogs, and the first part of Baka and Beyond. We also saw the Brock-MacGuire band. Excellent music, and it was nice to here Enda plunk it out on banjo again. We also saw Vishten for a bit (Maritime Canada / PEI) and a Quebecois band, though I don't remember the latter's name.

We arrived in Hyde Park in plenty of time for the show this week. The studio was chaotic when we got there, however, as the guy before us was doing a call-in show with a bunch of guests. He managed to get out of the studio relatively on time, but I wasn't able to slide a CD in for recording, as he was recording off of both. It was just as well, because the show had a rough spot or two, the largest of which was me forgetting to turn off the studio mics after I started some music. This resulted in us muttering over the air waves, "Why can't we hear the music? Oh, I think it's coming out of the earphones over there. Did you turn the volume down?" Fortunately, I turned off the mics right before I cursed like a sailor. I also managed to cue up the wrong track on the Mary Jane Lamond album, but it was a sweet track, too, and no one knew the difference. It was a good show, though. We definitely were more relaxed this week.
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