- I've sort of been obsessed with Kane's Live in London CD. I listen to it and think that song is obviously about Jensen. And then I feel bad for Chris because he's pining for Jensen who is madly in love with Jared.
- Elissa wants fic where Jared and Chris teach Jensen how to drive stick. Chris would be all overbearing and do it like this, son about it. Jared would be like a psycho mother, gripping the dash and trying not to scream.
- Sometimes, I really think I could not love Jared and Jensen more and then I do.
- I'm sorry for everyone going to Asylum. Silver lining? Even though he's not going to be at the con, he is apparently using his hiatus to make a movie where in all the fangirls will get the opportunity to see more of him. And no. I don't care that it might be a crappy movie. Jensen made Devour for christ's sake. Shut up. You all know you're gonna go see it.
- Sometimes I get these random surges of love for
smidgy06. She went away for the holidays and I missed her posts. I was happy to see her on my flist today.
- I sort of want a Blue Lagoon JSquared fic. Where Jensen and Jared are stuck on an island and they learn about their blossoming homosexuality together. Only without the baby. Because I do not do ass baby fic.
- If Welling, Rosenbaum, Christian, Steve, CMM, Jared and Jensen were stuck in a cave together and they had to kill each other off for food and survival, how would it go down? Who would kill who? Who would be the last man standing?
Everyone kills CMM first. Because he's mouthy and annoying. Steve goes next because he's unnecessary. Christian can totally make an album without him and he's always liked fucking Jensen better anyway. Then Jared kills Christian for talking about how he used to fuck Jensen. Rosenbaum kills Welling, all sweet and painless to keep him from suffering and then he breaks out his stash, gets really fucked up, and kills himself. Jensen and Jared then make out a lot, fuck a lot and sit around in their spare time trying to convince each other to kill the other person. Neither of them can do it so they end up laying together and telling silly stories until they're really weak. The last thing Jared says is I was surprised Mike tasted so good. Then Jensen laughs. And then they die. The End.
*is morbid* \o/