So... How's things?
This is going to be the longest post in forever. Let me start by saying that I have not watched Heroes, Prison Break, or Grey's Anatomy yet. I have been extremely busy this week and I've been in Mexico this weekend building a school house with
lissa_bear, so please don't spoil me. I did manage to watch SPN last night in a near comatose state. :D
I tried going through my flist last night before bed and it was so long it almost had me in tears. So, if you posted something you really want me to look at or read please link it here in the comments and I'll get to it shortly.
Mexico was really fun! Elissa and I both wanted to cry on the first day. But, the second day was excellent. The first day you have to lay 10 rows of brick for the four walls of the house or school that you're building. We started out laying brick with Elissa's brother and 4 other women. For some reason 3 of the 4 other women decided that it took 3 people to paint windows after lunch. Leaving Elissa, Greg (Elissa's brother), a really nice 70 year old woman named Bev, and me to lay 6 rows of brick on four walls. These are cinder blocks people. They're fucking heavy. No one would help us and we started getting really cranky. To top in off, the Mexican foreman that was assigned to our group was a perfectionist, so he kept getting cranky at us if we laid a brick wrong. He told Elissa and I that our walls looked like an Anaconda. We both started getting paranoid that our walls were really horrible, so we asked like 4 other people and they assured us they were fine. At one point our foreman (Lorenzo) told another guy on our team in Spanish that Elissa's and my wall was going to fall in and kill little children. We think he was kidding. We think. Anyway, day one was not good. After hours of lifting cinder blocks, we rushed back to the place we were staying only to find the three women who had spent the entire day painting ahead of us in line for the shower talking about how exhausted they were and what the meaning of Christianity is. Oh church people! You amuse me so!
Day two was much more fun. Elissa and I installed a door knob on to a door upside down! Go us! Elissa got up on to the roof of the building and nailed the roof on. She did a wonderful job and Lorenzo even complimented her when she was done. Elissa and I got in to a fight at lunch because I was picking on her all weekend and she said I was mocking her and then she sat on a log by herself and ate her sandwich. She looked all sad and miserable, but I was mad so I just sat on the trailer and ate my sandwich by myself. We're so retarded sometimes. Then she told me I was being stupid and acting butt hurt for no reason and I told her I wasn't going to talk to her anymore because I might "accidentally" mock her and then we looked at each other and started cracking up. Ah.. good times.
We got done with our school at about 3:30 on Saturday and we dedicated it to the kids and one of the women that teaches there. Her name was Alma and we found out that her husband was hurt a year ago in a trucking accident and he can no longer work. He is disabled for life but most companies in Mexico don't offer, or don't follow through with any kind of worker's compensation. So basically he's just a huge burden to his family now. The guy who runs the program on the Mexico side was telling us that Alma had actually gone to him a few weeks before asking him if they could build a house for her family. Unfortunately, all the houses for this year have already been given out. He did tell us that she's scheduled for early next year, probably February to get her house. When she found out there were no houses available, she asked if there was a possibility for a school house. The school we built it at had two schools houses already on the property, but one was in such bad shape, (holes in the walls, bugs, leaking roof) that she said the kids were afraid to come there to class. So the school got approved. It's amazing to me all the things we complain about in our lives. This woman, Alma, works all night in a factory, teaches the neighborhood children at the school in the day, goes home, cooks and cleans and takes care of her family and then goes and does it all again the next day. She gets 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night. She has no car, no decent house, nothing. And when she found out she couldn't get a new house for herself, her next thought wasn't to be sad or angry or pissed off, it was to find out if she could somehow get a school for the kids she lives near and around. It was a really eye opening experience for me. I really enjoyed being there.
Now, on to more frivolous things. Like this weeks Supernatural!
Everybody hates Jo. Well, except for me. :D
Here's the thing. Dean's sort of a dick head with women. Of course, he's socially retarded, hot, and a hunter, so I mostly forgive him. But, he's not looking for any kind of entanglement with the girls he meets on the road. He wants to fuck them and forget them, and as a woman, if you know that's all you're going to get from a man and you hop in to bed with him anyway, you get what you get. You just shouldn't complain, that's all I'm saying. So here's Dean, and he pours on the charm, and the stupid girls fall for it, get fucked, and probably wake up the next morning wondering what they did wrong, and why they're alone. The smart girls do one of two things. They get fucked, wake up an hour before Dean would have sneaked out the window, and nicely show him the door, or they roll their eyes, tell him he's cute, but no thanks, they're not looking for that kind of thing. Dean's the kind of guy that respects either decision. He likes the first one more, because he gets laid, but he still respects either one. The first girl, well Dean probably doesn't even remember he fucked her an hour after it's over with. I don't find this to be a flaw in Dean's character. He's not mean. He's not cruel. He just knows how to separate his sex from his heart in a way that some women don't. He's also not looking for any kind of long term thing. I think Dean really does like hunting. He enjoys it. It's what he wants to do with his life. A woman, a long term woman doesn't fit in to that goal. But, he does like women. He enjoys them and he's a good looking 27 year old. He should be out having sex.
Then, you have Jo. Jo's pretty. I don't care if you think she looks 16. She's not 16, she's probably around Sam's age, let's say 22 and, she's still pretty. Her hair is all shiny. Just look at it. No, really. So, Jo. Pretty girl, living in a rough bar that serves people like Dean on a regular basis. A bar full of guys who go from town to town killing things for a living. Guys who get beat up, beat down, fucked in the head. Guys who probably come in to that bar looking for a little release and there's pretty little Jo with her shiny hair. This girl gets hit on everyday, 10 times a day, by all kinds of guys. She's used to a certain amount of attention. I guarantee you, Jo's the second type of girl, and she probably almost always goes with option #2 (You're cute, but I'm not really looking for that kind of thing right now).
Anyway, in walks Dean a few weeks back. He's hot, really hot, like maybe so hot that a smart girl who almost always chooses option #2, might go with option #1. But instead of hitting on you, he just... doesn't. Now, one might assume that Jo would realize that Dean's father just died and he's trying to come to terms with all of that and just didn't have the energy to hit on her. But, Jo's probably not used to Dean and Sam's type of hunter. I would imagine most hunters don't have family and if they do, aren't very close to them. It's a lonely job. So I can't imagine she really realizes how much Dean is off his game. So her showing interest in him doesn't bug me. She is interested in him. He's interesting. He didn't hit on her. Which in her mind means one of two things. A. He's not interested. Which she probably can't even fathom because again, she's used to getting the attention. Or, B. He's a good guy who just doesn't jump in to bed with every woman he meets. Which isn't the case at all. He's just off his game because of John's death. But Jo doesn't know that. So, she's probably assuming it's option B right now. Which makes him intriguing and a challenge.
Despite what most of the fandom seems to think, Dean is interested in Jo. Or, at least he was in ELAC. Now, I agree he is showing nervousness, but I think that's only because his usual MO is love them and leave them, and now he's faced with a girl who is stationary in a place where they are obviously going to have to go from time to time. That can get messy. He's not going to be able to sleep with this girl and then never see her again. For Dean, that so damn near a relationship, he's shaking in his boots. Also, the fact that he fears Ellen might be helping him keep his distance a little bit. Not to mention he's still not over John's death.
So that's where I stand with Jo. I can't say I like her yet. Mostly because they haven't fleshed her character out enough to form any kind of opinion on her. But, I don't dislike her. I don't think she was "throwing" herself at Dean in this episode at all. I think she was showing her interest in him and I do think Dean was purposely not showing interest for the reasons I mentioned above. Basically I think for Dean, the time to have slept with Jo has passed. He knows her now and Dean only sleeps with strangers and his brother. His life is simpler that way.
In conclusion, don't hate Jo! Every fangirl who condemned her this episode would be making an even bigger fool of herself if she was confronted with a hot ass Dean right in front of her.
I'm hungry and I now have carpal tunnel syndrome from all this typing!