May 29, 2006 00:03
Pary last night was fun- it was kinda small but it was a veyr good time. We all hung out and ate then started up the campfire and played music out there til 2 am! It's really great that a bunch of young trad. musicians can randomly gather together. I met some really neat people who were fun to play with and talk with so I hope I see them around some more. It was just really nice... can't quite put words to it but it was a very very good time and I'm happy.
Got good news as well right now... I'm probably going to get to teach a lindy workshop at the summer soiree (asheville contra dance weekend) and get in for free! SCORE! Hopefelly they'll let me bring a teaching partner... and then I'll have to find one... hmmm. Also got news of possiblities of teaching some in europe in august, which would be super cool.
I spent absolutely all day reading, and it was wonderful. All freakin' day long. I lay in bed and on the couch and I read books not about physics. woo hoo! I felt sort of sick which gave me an excuse but man oh man was it nice. I'm still not recovered from my thesis and I think this helped.
agh! just got really strange news. right now. hmmm.