FFT : War of the Lions - on Power-Leveling

Mar 29, 2008 20:07

fidchell: My current party is:
Ramza. Squire : Mastered. Knight : Mastered. Monk : Level 8. Current Class : Monk.
Agrias. Half-mastered Holy Knight.
Mustadio. Half-mastered Mechanist.
Generic Black Mage, almost Mastered.
Generic White Mage, almost Mastered.
Geomancer who is also a Mastered Knight and Level 8 Monk.
fidchell: Who should I switch out?
fidchell: I like the Geomancer because she's on high levels, but considering that Ramza and Agrias are raep tiem nao in anything that even remotely resembles close combat, I'm considering instead moving in Mustadio and training him to be a NINJA.
discombobulate: i'd switch Ramza to Thief, so he can unlock Ninja
discombobulate: i find that Mustadio is most useful with a gun, honestly
fidchell: I'll definitely work Ramza over to Ninja so I can get Dark Knight on him, but I want to master the Monk.
fidchell: Mustadio is useful with a gun, but I think it would be hilarious to have a ninja Mustadio.
fidchell: Not to mention that Mustadio's options with a gun are kind of limited, so adding up Ninja skills on him could be epically useful.
discombobulate: yeah, but i don't especially like throw, honestly >_>;
fidchell: Yeah, but it would be hilarious and I'm so not training him for an Arethmitician.
fidchell: Not after I spent 10 hours getting just one spell set for my Black Mage, who is my plan for the Arethmitician.
discombobulate: so then Chemist is probably out of the question
fidchell: Actually, a Chemist is another good idea.
fidchell: Because I need someone to Throw those items.
fidchell: I should totally turn Mustadio in this kind of epic tosser.
fidchell: Who tosses everything and anything.
discombobulate: that just makes me lulz
fidchell: You know it's the best Mustadio ever.
discombobulate: Mustadio is a natural born tosser
fidchell: He can even toss your mom.
fidchell: Ramza : I beg you, not my dear mother in heaven, God bless her soul.
discombobulate: poor Ramza
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