Everything ends

Jul 06, 2008 09:03

Review/picspam for Journey's End - AKA "We're giving you everything you wanted, in the worst possible way."

"Oh. You really don't believe that, do you? I can see it, Donna: what you're thinking. That attitude. All that lip. 'Cause all this time...you think you're not worth it."

"Stop it!"

"Shouting at the world 'cause no one's listening, welll...why should they?"

Donna Noble. SuperTemp. The most important woman in the universe. She slept off her hangover while the Sycorax hovered over London. Her fiance betrayed her with a giant spider. A year or so later, she became half Time Lord and defeated the Daleks and their creator, and towed the Earth back home. And then, she forgot. The worst fate imaginable, and also: a blessing. Ask Sarah Jane. Ask Martha. Ask Rose. But I can't feel anything but profoundly grateful for every single second we got to spend with her, traveling, in the dust. I just wish she could, too.

But enough of me and my Jacob-impression. Onto the pictures, eh?

Well I feel a bit smug that we all sort of called this one, and a bit foolish for freaking out so badly for THE ENTIRE LAST WEEK. That was a pretty rotten thing for them to do to us, though.

I love the WTF look on everyone's face, here.

FUCK YEAH, Mickey and Jackie!

We finally get our reunion and...no snogging? Really? I mean, it's a nice hug, as hugs go, but...come on!

"You can hug me. No really, hug me." I love how Donna continues to mack on Jack throughout this entire episode.

"So I could come back." Awwww. JUST HURRY UP AND MAKE OUT, YOU TWO. JESUS.

"Daleks!" "Oh no!" How hilarious are the two of them? You know what would have been great, here? An "Into time. And SPACE!" like I wanted! *grumble*

And so begins the biological metacrisis.

"You're naked!" "Oh yes!" Ahem. I'll be in my bunk, as the kids say.

Oh, the hand porn. I've missed it.

Heh. This screenshot was done entirely by accident, but Jack is totally checking out both their asses.

Yay! I knew we'd get some Jack-coming-back-from-Extermination hijinx!


"Oi!" "Oi!" LOLZ. A throwback to how they'd initially wanted to explain that the Doctor imprinted on Rose's accent upon regenerating?

One heart. "Oh that's disgusting."

Meanwhile back on the crucible...

"Leave her alone." Ooh. I do love a protective, possessive Ten.

So the Osterhagen key is just to set off a whole bunch of nukes, and the fact that it's an anagram of Earth's gone means nothing, then? Well, I suppose it still works, as it was supposed to disintegrate the Earth. Oh, those Doctor Who writers...they do enjoy their anagrams.

Oh this part killed me. "You take people and turn them into weapons. How many have died in your name?" I actually shouted "No!" when they showed Jabe.

Oh, Lynda-with-a-Y.



And how sad that he still thinks Jenny is dead.

Love the Jack and Mickey flirting/banter.

That's some spectacular overacting, right there.

Badass alt!Ten FTW!

But oh, it gets better. Time Lord!Donna!!!

Let's just enjoy this for a moment, shall we?

Rose and Sarah Jane playing Bumper Daleks. Too cute.

Again. No caption needed.

Hooray for finally acknowledging Gwenyth/Gwen!

K9! Goddamn, is there any new series companions they didn't bring back for this ep?

"No, Jackie. You just...stand back." Heheh. I'm angry that I didn't get my Jackie/Doctor kiss.

Well, it's not glowy Jesus Doctor, but it was still a bit much. I think it would have been better without the music.

Oh but I adore all of them piloting the TARDIS. It gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies, particularly him gazing over at Rose and Freema smiling right into the camera. What a bunch of adorable geeks.

Rose and Martha hugs!

Heh. Jack may have finally met his match in horny Time Lord!Donna.

But happiness like this can never last. Not when you travel with the Doctor.

W00T!!! Is Mickey joining Torchwood?!

It was a bit heartbreaking when he was all "I'm not stupid, I know where this is going. There's nothing for me, there. Certainly not Rose." (paraphrased)

"What's his name?" "Doctor." "Really?" "Don't be daft. He's called Tony." Hee! So, there we go, all of us Doctor/Rose shippers and our Time Babiez theories: Jackie really was the pregnant one.

And oh. Here comes the Be Careful What You Wish For. Because I thought I'd be okay with this, and I kind of am, but I'm kind of totally not, too. I'm fine with Rose being with alt!Ten. It's the Doctor being without her that I'm not fine with. He can finally give her the life with him that both of them always wanted...he just doesn't get to be there for any of it.

He's human. One heart. He'll age; he'll wither and he'll die. With her.

And I think that, in many ways, the Doctor is also totally not cool with this. But really, what can he do? "He needs you. That's very Me." *sob*

Ahem. TEN SANDWICH. Yes, I am totally already writing this smutfic. It practically writes itself, don't it.

"I said 'Rose Tyler'." "And what was the rest of that sentence going to be?" "Does it really need saying?" Yes. Yes it does, Doctor.

And so we get our 'I love you', and our kiss, and none of it's right.

But goddamn if it doesn't do the heart good, just the same.

The Doctor looks about a billion years old. I think it's pretty much all he can to not grab her away from his other self and run back to the TARDIS. So he turns and practically runs away.

Can we say Ambiguously Happy Ending?

I think these two probably lasted ten minutes before they were shagging each others' brains out, honestly.

But because it's RTD's swan song, and because he's not happy until he breaks all of our hearts...

"Do you know what's happening?"

(honestly? I'm crying again even posting these pics)

She'll never know. She'll never know how magnificent she was. Oh Donna. You were fantastic.

And the most horrible ending of all: the Doctor. Alone. In the TARDIS. Not even a "What?!" to carry us through until Christmas. No Rose. No Donna. No happy family piloting the TARDIS. They've all got someone else, and he's the Lonely God. Damn you, Russell T Davies. Damn you.

So that's it, kids. The end of Series Four. It's been a crazy, emotional whirlwind, to be sure, and I'm quite positive I've a few more grey hairs because of it. Honestly, I'm relieved, because this show has absolutely dominated my life for the last several months, and my worst fears were put to rest as (almost)everybody lived, Rose (sort of)got her Doctor, and Ten (kind of)didn't regenerate.

So why do I feel so heartbroken?

series four

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