In other, non-Finn related news, let's talk TV

May 04, 2013 10:13

After the kiddo goes to bed at night, it's my time to have a beer and relax with some Netflix. I've watched a ridiculous amount of TV this way...The West Wing up to, once again, S3 (I figured this out: the first two seasons are SOOOO GOOD that I seriously mainline them, then by the time I get to S3 I'm just sick of it and promise myself I'll revisit it in awhile. Then, when I do, I think "Man, seasons 1 and 2 were SOOOO GOOD...I think I'll start there!" Wash, rinse, repeat); The X-Files from the very beginning (it turns out I'd NEVER SEEN many episodes in S1 - how is that possible?! Mulder had a kinda-slutty English ex-girlfriend...what?); Parks and Recreation (still working my way through this one...absolutely love it. But I've also kinda reached the same point I reached with The Office where, it's like, why is this documentary crew still filming?!); Buffy (sorry, no. Too ridiculous. Made it through one ep, couldn't do it. I'm sure, if I'd tried it about 5 years ago, I would have loved it, but I'm just too old and jaded now). And now, predictably, I've started watching DW over from S1 which has been immensely enjoyable and a novel experience (my word the 'effects' were horrible back then, weren't they? bless them), despite the fact that I OWN THE DVDS I never think to, like, watch them. This has led to a lot of discussion between Mr. gin and myself about Chris Eccleston, his nature as the Doctor and why he seems so very disgusted with his whole Doctor-experience now, including the following exchange:

Mr. gin, after Nine just watched Cassandra dry up and explode: "Maybe that's why he didn't like being the Doctor, because Nine was so bloodthirsty."

Me: "NINE WAS NOT 'BLOODTHIRSTY.' He was dark and brooding."

Mr. gin: "Whatever you say."

I'm waiting to see and hoping that rewatching the show like this might reset my fic switch, but no far nothing. :(

Any suggestions on other stuff I should check out on Netflix?

series one, christopher eccleston, ninth doctor, west wing

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