Lest we forget what spirit this journal was created in...

Jan 13, 2012 05:56

Let's talk Tennant!

So, among others, I have this picture...

on my desktop at work. Yesterday, my newer-ish supervisor was hovering over my shoulder helping me with something, and glanced over at my second monitor.

Her: "Is that the guy you like?"

Me: "Yes, David Tennant."

Her: "He is cute! Is that a recent picture?"

Me: "Well, yeah, but he's had a lot of touching up in that pic. He doesn't usually look quite that young. He's forty."

Her: "WOW! I would have said, like, late twenties-early thirties!"

Alternatively, a few weeks ago when I was back in Care for a week, my friend M FINALLY watched Fright Night, and he loved it, but when he came in we had this exchange.

M: "Wow, David Tennant looks, like, SO OLD."


So, depending on who you ask, he either looks too young or too old. David Tennant: defying categorization! :)

I of course thinks he looks Just Right!

david tennant

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