And lest I forget to squee about this...

Jun 26, 2011 12:47


I'm very excited to see Eric again. :D

It's interesting...I read the first book recently, and was not impressed, unfortunately. About the only good thing I can say is that I like book!Bill EVER so much more than show!Bill. Book!Sookie, OTOH, is written so incredibly immature, I got the same creepy pedo-vibe from her and Bill's relationship that I did from Edward and Bella in the Twilight book. I honestly spent the first half of the book wondering if they'd aged Sookie up for the show and she was actually, like, 13 in the books or something. *shrug*

Anyway, in honour of new True Blood, I'm linking to my old (well, a year old) and only crossover fic, Layover in Shreveport! Go and enjoy the adventures of the Doctor and Rose, Eric and Pam and Sookie!

true blood, doctor fic

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