Fic: The Second Rule

Jun 11, 2011 07:13

Title: The Second Rule
Author: meself, fid_gin
Pairing: Ten II/Rose
Rating: R, for not-very-graphic oral sex (I know: does not compute, right?)
Disclaimer: I own nothing, all hail the BBC
Summary: “'No knickers,' I think that's what I said,” he growled, sliding them off and depositing them on the seat beside her. “Rule number two, right after Don't wander off: No knickers when I say.”
Notes: Written for the doctor_rose_fix Summer Fixathon. Prompt was the picture below the cut.

Rose shifted from one foot to the other, scanning a sea of bobbing heads, searching for the Doctor's. He should have been conspicuous at this posh affair: even in his nicest tux and dinner jacket, he could hardly disguise his height, his wild hair or his boundless enthusiasm for just about everything, so often projected in a loud and delighted voice. Yet he'd vanished almost immediately upon their arrival, leaving her alone and nursing a glass of champagne kept full by the very attendant wait staff.

She felt herself growing annoyed. Not only was she lonely and bored, but she'd expected...well, more from this evening, to be honest. They'd been nearly out the door of their flat when he'd stopped her, looked her up and down and then ordered her, in his best bedroom purr, to go remove her stockings. “Knickers, too, just in case,” he'd chirped cheerfully after her as she'd returned to the bedroom to fulfill his request. She'd kept her knickers on, thank you - she wasn't about to have a strong wind come along and give this lot a free show - but she had indeed removed her nylons. Now she stood, alone, feeling the warm summer breeze creeping up her bare legs rather than, as she'd imagined and hoped, the Doctor's wandering hands. What was he playing at?

“Lovely party, isn't it?” came a voice at her ear. She would have recognized that voice even if it hadn't been pitched at the same low tone in which he'd earlier instructed her to remove an item of clothing. Rose put a hand on her hip and turned to face the Doctor, preparing to be angry with him for leaving her alone for so long, but her irritation dissipated, as it usually did, when faced with how handsome he looked in his suit and specs, hair only slightly ruffled; he must have been taking care to keep his hands out of it.

“Would be if my date hadn't ditched me,” she answered, keeping her voice cool.

The Doctor furrowed his brow in mock concern. “He sounds rude! Care to go for a walk with a more refined gentleman in his absence?” He offered his arm at the last, and she smiled in spite of herself and took it.

As they made their way to the edge of the party, she heard a voice call after them. “Miss Tyler, Miss Tyler, over here! There's someone you must meet...”

“When I said walk,” the Doctor hissed, quickening their pace, “I meant run!” Rose was nearly swept off her feet as he pulled her into a sprint away from the crowd and across a vast expanse of lawn, toward what appeared to be a large hedge maze. “Oh yes!” the Doctor shouted, steering them inside. “Perfect hiding place!”

They made a left, a right, another left then a quick succession of several more turns which she lost track of. She was quite confident he had no idea where he was leading them until they emerged into a large clearing containing fountains and several stone benches, clearly the middle of the maze. “Have you been here before?” she asked when she'd caught her breath, astounded at how quickly he'd led them through. The Doctor released her hand, jamming his own into his pockets and walking away, silhouetted against the falling twilight.

“Do you remember,” he said, ignoring her question, “your parents' Christmas party?”

Rose felt her face warm. Of course she remembered that party: a short time after Bad Wolf Bay, it had been, and their physical relationship still so empty guest room, she on her knees in front of the Doctor, the noise of the party downstairs muffling the sound of his moaning. She looked around at the hard ground now beneath their feet - it looked painful. Did he want her to...?

“You really seemed to enjoy it,” he continued, his back still to her, his voice musing. “Doing that. In public, where anyone could walk in. I was a bit shocked.” His voice grew light and amused. “Me! Shocked! I love being shocked, don't you?”

“I guess,” she replied, smoothing down her dress, still trying to determine why he couldn't have led them inside to somewhere more comfortable.

He turned, finally, to face her. “So...may I?” Taking a step towards her, he glanced down the length of her body, then back up. “Shock you?”


“What, here?” But he was already walking her backwards until her legs hit bench and she sat. Rose tried to relax as he knelt, pulling her knees apart.

“'No knickers,' I think that's what I said,” he growled, sliding them off and depositing them on the seat beside her. “Rule number two, right after Don't wander off: No knickers when I say.” She could only nod her agreement as he settled further down, getting comfortable, tugging her forward to the edge of the bench and toward him.

The night air had cooled, the Doctor's tongue was soft, his mouth hot, but Rose thought she almost certainly wouldn't be able to come under these circumstances. Of course she knew from experience how good he was at this, but glancing nervously at the passage from which they'd entered, she couldn't help imagining a group of drunken party goers stumbling upon them and the spectacle they would present, with her dress hiked up around her waist, her legs spread wide and the Doctor's face quite clearly buried between her thighs. She needn't have worried, this was the Doctor after all: two fingers, tongue, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she came in record time.

“That was enjoyable,” he said, sitting up and licking his lips. “We should do this in public more often!” He rose and offered her his hand, and she stood on wobbly legs.

“Or,” Rose said, leaning into him and making her voice as sultry as possible, “you could just take me home.”

“Brilliant,” he agreed. Then, sounding put out: “Do we have to go back through that party?” She took in his now thoroughly tousled hair, the dirty patches on both of his knees and the bulge in the front of his trousers.

“Best not,” she decided, and his grin suggested that he approved.

One week later, a bulky envelope arrived in the post. The return address was the location of the party from the previous weekend, and with trepidation, Rose opened the envelope. “Oh, your knickers!” a joyful voice crowed from behind her as they spilled out onto the table. “That was thoughtful! How do you suppose they knew they were yours?” he added, munching a slice of toast.

“Because that entire group saw us run off into that maze is why,” she snapped, feeling as though a hole in the floor to sink into would be just great at that moment. Covering her face with her hands, she groaned, mortified.

“Well, I did tell you not to wear them,” the Doctor reminded her, finishing his toast, picking up her underwear and twirling them around one finger.

smut, tenth doctor fic, doctor fic

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