Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows

May 18, 2011 09:20

When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row

-- The Clash, "Guns of Brixton"

It's been a very long time since I read a book that made me cry, I couldn't tell you the last time to be honest. However yesterday, on my birthday, I sat there for most of the day with tears streaming down my cheeks, reading as fast as I could to try and get it over with. Seriously, man, from the time they sneak back into Hogwarts it just DOES NOT FLIPPING LET UP until the whole "Many years later" bit, which I could have done without because it kind of ruined the tension and grief that was SO PREVALENT in the previous several hundred pages. I get that she wanted to give you a "And they all lived happily ever after" gift after putting us through that, but it felt very tacked on. I'm willing to forgive it, though, because once again: did not disappoint on the bloody battle front AT ALL. I was expecting a bunch of people standing around pointing wands at each other and shouting things, and there was a lot of that yeah, but I wasn't expecting giant spiders and fire and explosions and...

Don't get me wrong, I cried when Fred died. But honestly what was wrecking me was just the...I dunno. Finality? Of it. And just the heartbreak, the cowardice and the bravery of war...when the house elves joined the battle, led by Kreacher (whose name I messed up the last time I mentioned him, d'oh!), I just lost it. And Neville, and Grawp, and Snape, and just....WAH (edited to clarify that it was the immense personal growth from these characters in particular that just made me go all wibbly, because that was kind of a sentence fragment there :) Yeah I know Grawp's 'personal growth' basically consists of "He can kind of say Hagrid's name and is fighting on the right side", but I still go a bit wet rubbery one every time he shouts "HAGGER!")! I've read all the books so quickly, all these characters and their journeys are just so fresh in my mind, I'm not sure if that made it harder, or if it would have been worse to wait with them through years before reaching the end. Mr. gin kept coming in to check on me for all the sniveling. What sucks is that he's a couple books behind me, and just started OotP, so I can't even discuss this one with him! He keeps saying things like "Huh...why doesn't Harry have his wand on the front?" and I'm like "I CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT, I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING."

Anyway, I'm relieved but saddened that that's over. What will I do with myself now? :) Although, there's new Pirates out next weekend, so that's something to look forward to!

harry potter

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