So. Much. Fail.

Apr 23, 2011 11:45

I missed unfolded73's birthday. Well, not completely, as she texted me a pic of the adorable card Mr. unfolded bestowed upon her and I immediately wrote back to apologize for my suckery, but all the same. Fail.

So, better late than never. Behold, the first thing I've written in two months, and it's all for you, babe! All 100 words of it!

Birthday wishes, Ten II/Rose, drabble, PG13 for nekkid!Doctor
Inspired by the above-mentioned card you received from Mr. unfolded. ;)

The flat is dark when Rose walks in. Not entirely so, she realises, following a soft glow coming from the kitchen. She enters to find the Doctor standing there, naked, holding a cake adorned with candles - the source of the dim light - in front of him at groin level .

“Happy birthday!” he crows, beaming. “Thought you might like to blow out your candles and make a wish.” He looks down at the cake, then back up. Gives a smile that could almost be shy. Rose knows better.

“It's already come true,” she says, returning his grin.

drabble, stuff, doctor fic

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