*squee!* And just general blahblahblah

Jan 06, 2011 06:34

My girlcrush at work IM'd me yesterday to pine with me over David's engagement! I'd been looking for a way to contact her and remind her that she and I should be BFF's without coming off too creepy or stalkery, so that made my day! We decided, after some back and forth, that David has no manners and it's rather thoughtless how he's treating us like he doesn't even know we exist and all, but that luckily we can forgive him because of his lovely smile and the hope that he'll wear a kilt to his wedding. ;)

Other than that, I'm also thrilled about the fact that my gift of S1 of The West Wing to EVERYONE this year has gone down like gangbusters. First got an e-mail from my dad saying they'd already watched one full disc and were "hooked", then last night got a text from my mom saying she'd watched 6 episodes and was sucked in, but how has to pause her watching of it due to tax season. So yay me, I'm 2 for 2 with getting people just random DVD collections that I think they might like just because I did (previous was Life on Mars to my dad and stepmom, which they psychotically LOVED)! I'd better come up with a new show recommendation in the next year to keep up my winning streak...perhaps I shall get everyone Spaced. :)

david tennant, west wing

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