Happy 10/10/10, everyone!!!

Oct 10, 2010 06:18

First of all, happy birthday papilio_luna!!! Please to enjoy your present of the promised picspam for Ten. :)

Well it's been close to a year since we lost our Ten. Some of us have moved on, some of us have begun to slowly heal having gained a Scottish writer, a leather-clad photographer and a Las Vegas illusionist in tight pants to ogle in his place, and some of us are still lucky if we can make it through the week without breaking down in tears. But no matter where you are in the grieving process, I figured today of all days, 10/10/10 should be a day for celebrating and remembering our dearly departed Doctor, so in that spirit I present to you...10 things I miss about Ten.

(As a side note, I do not condone or encourage any dissing of other Doctors, past or present, in the comments to this picspam. Today is a day for remembering Ten and his companions, and not hating on anyone else.)

(Standard disclaimers: contains swearing, Ten/Rose shipping and gratuitous Doomsday and End of Time imagery. Feel free to save pics if they strike your fancy, but please no hotlinking.)

10 Things I Miss About Ten

1. The Sexy

Come on, now, are you surprised that this is my #1? I'm not placing these in any order of importance, but this is the easiest one to demonstrate, so I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves, shall I?

2. The Shout

No one can shout like our Ten could. With joy, righteous anger, fear or even screaming in agony, I miss those lungs.

3. The Smug

Something I'm sure a lot of folks out there don't miss, but I did love it when Ten was a smug bastard. Because let's be honest, more often than not he deserved to feel pretty self-satisfied, didn't he?

4. The Funny

"Do you know, I met the Sibyl once. Hell of a woman. Blimey, she could dance a tarantella. Truth be told, I think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last. She said, "I know". Well, she would."

(side note: how hilariously inappropriate does that screencap look? LOL)

"Deluded. Bless. I'll have to trade her in. Do you need anyone? She's very good at tea. Well, I say very good, I mean not bad. Well. I say not bad... anyway! Lead on. But not too fast. Her ankle's going."

"She's a feral child. I bought her for sixpence in old London Town. It was her or the Elephant Man, so..."

"Tracked you down with this. This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."

One thing I could always look forward to in an episode with Ten was at least one good, honest belly laugh. Boy was funny, and knew it, and liked to tease people and make people laugh. I miss being unable to stop myself from smiling just looking at him.

5. The Feeling

As much as I miss the laughing, I miss the tears, the terror, the anger. Blame it on Tennant, or blame it on the writers who imbued the character with such depths of emotion, but Ten wears his hearts on his sleeve and when they were irked, or broken, you knew it.

6. The Love

Come on, did you think you were going to get through a Ten picspam from me without a mention of his EPIC FUCKING ROMANCE with Rose Tyler? It shaped him when he was created, and it saw him out when he left. In many ways, the Doctor's love for Rose created Ten, and I'm thankful that even if we no longer have our Doctor, in a parallel universe Rose still has hers.

7. The Style

Ten looked good and he knew it, and while he was certainly not averse to looking silly or getting dirty and/or wet, he also quite enjoyed his Time Lord geek chic sexy-mod-self, and I enjoyed him enjoying it.

8. The Crazy

Oh, Ten. He did nothing by halves, and that included acting completely fuckin' bonkers.

9. The Hugs

"Just stand there, 'cos I'm gonna hug you. Is that all right?"

Ten was very physical. He loved to touch and be touched, to hug, to cuddle, and it always just made me, along with everyone else he ever met, want to squish him into a big hug. Seriously, how could you not?

10. The Tongue

Again, do you really need reasons why I miss this? I will say that I loved how, throughout Ten's reign, what seemed initially to be a quirk of the character revealed itself rather to be a quirk of the actor...and I'll just leave you with that happy thought. Ten may be gone, but Tennant, and his tongue, live on!

david tennant, goodbye ten, picspam, tenth doctor

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