(no subject)

Feb 07, 2008 08:55

Doctor Who meme! Because I'm bored, and I like talking about myself, and I like talking about the Doctor - what's not to love?

kyped from rosa_acicularis

Series and Spinoffs
1. When did you start watching?

Started watching in earnest around March of 2007, I believe

1a. Why?

Several reasons: my husband is an old school Who fan, was tickled to death when the new series started and had been watching it the entire time. I caught an episode here and there (see below), but mostly just rolled my eyes at him and called him an adorable geek. I allowed him to purchase one of the DVD's, containing Rose and The End of the World, and right place + right time = I became totally freakin' obsessed in about two weeks' time.

2. What was your first episode?

See, I'm not entirely sure...I have memories of watching a couple minutes of The End of the World when it was very first broadcast here in the states, so I suppose that must have been in it (I recall I was like "Dude, is that young girl dating that totally older guy?!" and my husband just kind of shook his head and said "It's complicated."), but the first episode I remember seeing in full was Father's Day. I sat down with no intention of watching it, got sucked in, and was just SOBBING MY EYEBALLS OUT by the end. Mr. gin was concerned.

3. Which episodes have you seen?

All 3 of the new seasons, Time Crash, Voyage of the Damned and a few minutes here and there of some older Who that Mr. gin tries to get me to watch from time to time (most of it involving Seven, who was "his" Doctor).

3a. Favourite?

The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances are my standard favourite eps. I also have great love for, of course, Rose (which I can, and do, watch over and over to the chagrin of my long-suffering husband), as well as The Unquiet Dead, Tooth and Claw, The Impossible Planet & The Satan Pit, Human Nature & The Family of Blood and Utopia.

4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?

My husband loves it nearly as much as I do. My mom has caught some episodes here and there, and is happy to sit and watch my DVD's with me when she comes to visit (she's a die-hard Trekkie, though, so that's where her heart lies. So I come by my geekery naturally!), and I've recently gotten my good friend E into the show. She has my series three DVD's right now, curse her.

5. Which Doctor is your favourite?

Okay, I was just moaning to the boy the other night about how I'm afraid that Ten might be replacing Nine as my favourite - for the only reason of, Nine is so outstanding and amazing that he always leaves me wanting more, and there's never going to be any more! Ten is wonderful and he just keeps on kickin', and I've gotten quite attached to the guy.

Ah, who'm I kidding. Nine will always be My Doctor.

6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?

It's not really fair to say so, as I've never sat down and watched any of his episodes, but lord, Six was one freaky-looking dude...bad clothes, bad hair, bad attitude (from what I hear), so I'll have to go with him just for that coat alone!

7. Which TV companion is your favourite?

Take a wild guess! All facetiousness aside, that'd be Rose. Oh, Rose.

8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?

It breaks my heart to say it, but Martha. God, I wanted to like that girl, I really really did. And I did like her, right up until Gridlock, when I found myself actually shouting at the TV. Who the fuck does she think she is, getting invited along on a journey through time and space, having that journey extended without even having to ask, and then getting all snotty because the Doctor dared to take her to a planet where he took Rose, the former companion he obviously has Feelings about? Ungrateful, much? If I were the Doctor, at that moment I would have been like "Okay, here's somewhere I never took Rose: YOUR APARTMENT, you are out of here, goodbye."

*ahem* Obviously, I have lingering issues with Martha.

Other than that, Adam is the only companion I've personally seen who I couldn't stand.

9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?

I don't think I have

9a. If so, which is your favourite?


9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?


10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?

The only audio stuff I've listened to is David Tennant reading the novels aloud, so, whatever those count as.

10a. If so, which is your favourite?


11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?

Oh gods yes. On my bookshelf right now, we have The Clockwise Man, The Monsters Inside, The Deviant Strain, The Stone Rose, The Feast of the Drowned, The Resurrection Casket, The Art of Destruction, The Price of Paradise and Forever Autumn (yeah it's a Martha one, but it's about Halloween!), as well as a biography of the show and the encyclopedia Doctor Who; Aliens and Enemies. We have one of the older books as well which we found at a used bookstore, but I forget the name of it. We also have a very old Doctor Who choose-your-own-adventure book! Oh, and a HUGE stack of issues of Doctor Who Magazine.

11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?

No I have not, though one or two of those I think I could have done a passably better job.

11b. Which is your favourite?

Oh The Stone Rose. Shippy, exciting, good character voices, and I've listened to David Tennant read it, which just...wow. Does terrible things to me.

12. Have you read any of the comics?

I've flipped through a few of them in DWM, but not enough to give any valid impressions.

12a. You guessed it - which is your favourite?


13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?

I watch Torchwood, yes. It's probably the guiltiest pleasure I have on television right now.

13a. Which is your favourite?

My favourite episode of Torchwood? I quite like the second season premiere that came on here just recently. It is my theory that there is no fight/love/general scene in a movie or television show anywhere that cannot be made instantly awesomer with the inclusion of Blur's "Song 2".

14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?

I want to want to watch some old Who, I really do. Some day I will get around to it.

1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?

Yes. Yes, I do. Too much, probably.

1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!

"“What - am I just never supposed to mention him again?” She popped one half of the cookie into her mouth, crunching loudly. “S'true anyway. Can't even add 'In bed' to that one.”

2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?

No, I wish I knew how.

2a. Let's see a sample!


3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!

You'd probably do better just to go check out my memories, but a few of my favourite authors off the top of my head would be lillibetm3, orange_crushed, rosa_acicularis, imaginary_iby and rabid1st.

There are so many fanvids out there that I adore, I can't pick just one (and am kind of uncomfortable linking to them here anyway)...the Nine/Rose vid to "Wicked Game" is just lovely, and the "Scattered" vid to Muse's "Map of the Problematique" is quite possibly the most amazing video I've ever seen.

Oh, they're too good not to share. I take credit for neither of these - if either was made by you and you don't want me linking it here, please let me know.

Wicked Game

image Click to view


image Click to view

4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?

No, but I totally would if I had the chance.

5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?

My husband and I wanted to dress as the Doctor and Rose for last Halloween - only problem being while he is the SPITTING IMAGE of Ten, I am about the opposite in every conceivable way from Rose. Rose is thin and blonde, I am a chubby redhead. So! Next Halloween, we're going as the Doctor and Donna!

6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?

Oh lord...besides all the books and magazines mentioned above, I also own a Dalek t-shirt, a "The Angels Have the Phonebox" t-shirt, a Bad Wolf t-shirt, a bumpersticker on my car, a sonic screwdriver and a Judoon scanner (both of which come with UV ink that glows with you sonic/scan it), a "Doctor Who-in-my-pocket" keychain which says six different phrases from the show, a poster of the Ninth Doctor and Rose in front of the TARDIS which my husband who is manager of a frame shop framed for me, and the DVD sets for all 3 seasons. And I feel confident I am forgetting something.

7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?

Absolutely. Doctor Who has also led me to check out The Second Coming and Casanova, both of which are just amazing.

7a. Steven Moffat?

He's an evil genius. TEC/TDD, Blink and Time Crash are some of the best things ever broadcast on television, ever, but I still haven't forgiven that bastard for the travesty that is The Girl in the Fireplace. WTF was that?! Had he actually watched any of the show prior to writing it?!

7b. Paul Cornell?

Oh lord yes.

8. What say you to Season 6b?

Uh...I don't know what it is

9. The UNIT dating controversy?

Are members of UNIT allowed to date? If they are, they're probably already dating members of Torchwood.

Somehow, I don't think that's what you mean.

10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?

I'm for it. It's fun to say!

11. Multi-Doctor episodes?

I've only seen the one, but I loved it. I keep holding out hope that one day we shall see the Ninth and Tenth Doctors at once, and my television will explode in a shower of horny sparks.

12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?

"Goes 'ding' when there's stuff," is good. Pretty much every time the Tenth Doctor opens his mouth and starts babbling, I'm in Heaven.

13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?

Yes thank god, I probably would never have heard of Blackpool otherwise, and that show is just the best kind of crack, to me.

14. Have you met any of the actors?


14a. Travelled to any filming locations?

I fully intend to one day.

15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?

I thought it was hilarious. "Three hundred years...in a sewer..."

16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?

Hmm. Well, I know that outside of the happy protective bubble I hide myself in here on LJ, Rose is pretty unpopular. All the cool gals out there on the intrawebs just think that Martha is Teh Shit! and Rose is annoying and stupid. And I disagree heartily with both of those statements, so there's that. I am totally uninterested in Doctor/Rose/Jack OT3, which limits the amount of Nine fic available for me to read, lemme tell you. I adore John Barrowman and the character of Jack, but I don't really find him attractive whatsoever, which seems to put me in the minority.

I am of the opinion that the Doctor is absolutely capable of having, and totally did have with Rose, a sexual relationship, intimacy and love. I think the most brilliant thing the writers did when they brought the show back is to A: Make the Doctor really attractive, and B: Give the Doctor an implied love interest. I know this goes against every grain of the old show, but it is 2008.

To offer some clarification - I do not believe, much as I'd like to, that the Doctor and Rose were Totally In Lurve and spent all their spare time getting it on in various rooms of the TARDIS. I have had relationships very much like I feel the one Rose and the Doctor had...sort of a best friends progressing to a friends with occasional benefits that belies a very nearly painful deeper layer of emotion that neither person is willing to give name to until it's too late. I do believe their relationship was physical, I do believe they love each other, and I believe that Bad Wolf Bay is the first time either of those two idiots took the final step of saying it.

And I know that all this shippy blathering puts me very prominently on a lot of folks proverbial Shit Lists. Which is why I keep it to myself. Unless I've had a few drinks...then you're in for it.

17. What's your favourite pairing?

Fluctuates between Nine/Rose and Ten/Rose

18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?

Doctor/Martha, Doctor/Master (although, I admit I've read a bit of it here and there that gave me tingles in naughty places...fallout from a childhood of reading Poppy Z. Brite, probably), Doctor/anyone but Rose, pretty much.


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