The End of Time (pt. 2) picspam, the first

Jan 04, 2010 15:45

Hi all. Welcome to a sad day indeed and this, my last new-Ten-episode picspam. I started doing these almost unintentionally about midway through S4, when I discovered that I could screencap through VLC. They seemed to grow bigger and more all-consuming with each one I did, until at last count they were topping 100-150 caps per review. This one? This one has over 300, and thus I will be splitting it into two parts. I went a little over the edge, but I think I can be forgiven. I just kept thinking "This is it. THIS IS MY LAST OPPOURTUNITY TO SCREENCAP TEN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.." So here it is.

Thank you to all of you who have enjoyed these through the years. It seems silly, but it's actually hard work and, in the case of this episode anyway, can be very painful to rewatch an episode of this emotional magnitude so soon. I'm very appreciative of all the positive feedback I get, and the therapy I get from all of you. As always, please don't hotlink, blahblahblah.

With that...there's an old Earth saying. A phrase of great power and wisdom, and consolation to the soul in times of need...

*sniff* It's the last time, people. The last time we'll see this.

So we finally see the Time War. It feels a bit underwhelming at this moment, but when the Doctor talks of it later I'm kind of relieved this is all we saw. *shudder*

Oh they lucked out when they got Timothy Dalton. He is just perfectly evil in this. I was spoiled on his appearance long, long ago, but it's just wonderful to see him do his thing.

The only Time Lord without a robe = she has to die.


I took a bunch of screencaps of the Doctor strapped to the torture-chair, but they seem to have vanished into the ether and I can't deal with having to go back and take more. You've watched it so many times, you remember what it looks like. :)

Aww, poor Wilf.

The many Masters were much less over the top this week, and much spookier for it. You really start to get a sense how horrific this idea is.

Even the Master's a little overwhelmed by it.

I like how pissed off Wilf looks at being told to "listen to (his) Master".

Everyone's expression at the phone ringing is priceless (again, somehow my shot of the Doctor vanished).

"Sorry, I'll just turn it off, it's probably one of those ringback things." Heh.

Donna's memories must just be coming and going, it seemed from the end of last week that they were going to have to deal with this immediately.

"Oh he loves playing with Earth girls." Yes, yes he does.

See? That's just creepy as hell, once you get over the thumbs-upping and evil-laughing. It's like Village of the Damned on a mega-large scale.

Donna's brain can't handle it. She starts to complain about it getting I guess all the Doctor's talk about her brain "burning" wasn't just melodrama, it will actually burn.

So he left behind some cool little defense-mechanism thing. I'm not quite sure what help it would have been to stun everyone around her if she weren't being attacked, but luckily it worked out that way, I guess.

Dude. Is there anyone in this episode that John Simm does not have smoking-hot chemistry with?

There he is! Oh I love the smile-behind-the-gag. Cheeky boy.


There's really not much I can say about this scene that hasn't been said already, except: Russell, you sick and brilliant man.

Speaking of 'brilliant', flattery is getting the Doctor everywhere.

And so help me...for all of his douchebaggery, and for all that I thought he was going to be directly responsible for Ten's regeneration, I found myself sort-of in love with the Master for most of this episode, because just LOOK AT HIM. It's all in the eyes, with both him and DT. You can see him thinking maybe he should just give up and travel with the Doctor. He kind of wants it.

But when you've defined yourself as Evil for so long, it just becomes Something You Do. What would he be, without that? What could he have been, without being programmed to be insane?

And what would the Doctor be, without his arch-nemesis? Would he still be the hero?

I love how the Doctor in all of these shots is framed by Christmas this is our, and the Master's, present. The Doctor in bondage. :)

Seriously, this breaks my heart. The drums. He's killed, to try and make them go away. Not even turning himself human helped. Jesus...I'd be a maniac, too.

And all because a bunch of crusty old Time Lords in silly robes didn't want to suck it up and die. The best of their society truly lives on in the Doctor...everything else seems to be better off dead.

I could have lived without the hokey seer. "Burning, all burning dying ENDING ENDING blahblahwhatever."

"A rhythm of four. The heartbeat of a Time Lord."

If everyone on the planet's as batshit crazy as he is, because they're all him, THEN HE'S PERFECTLY FINE! Considering how things ended up in the Loved 'verse, with the Doctor letting himself feel love for himself, I seriously wonder what would have happened with a planet full of Masters. I'm thinking war, rioting, stuff like that, but initially they seem quite well organized.

I still have no idea what this is about. *shrug* Oh well.

I am tremendously shocked they got away with this.

Hee! The look on his face when the Doctor calls him 'stupid'.

Yay! "God bless them cactuses."

HA! I love the Doctor being subjected to being wheeled everywhere, his hands flailing wildly.

So the Master doesn't have a telepathic link with all of his selves. I told Mr. gin I figured they all just kinda got created whereever they were and began carrying out their dastardly plans, but they don't necessarily have a mind connection.


"WORST. RESCUE. EVER!" My one laugh of the episode, I think.

By the way, I speculated to unfolded73 that you know that someone must have made off with that creepily-lifelike David-dummy they made for the rolling-down-the-stairs scene. Her response? "BARROWMAN! *shaking fist*" LOL

Aww, Wilf. Bless him.

Once again, they're all very well-behaved now, but I wonder how long that would have lasted.

The Doctor saves them, and everyone just yells at him. Everything he does, makes it happen.

He's got no plan.

The Time Lords, having successfully ruined the Master's mind, now have a connection to Earth.

Which means they can throw a diamond at a projection of it and somehow it...goes into the projection. *waves hands*

Oh, Ten. I will miss seeing you sprawled out on the floor, fixing things. *heavy sigh*

It's a White Point Star.

While I really would have loved to have found out who this woman is, I think it's best that they left it up to our interpretation for the moment. I'm going with the Doctor's mother, since that's what I spent the whole episode thinking.

This is where I started weeping, the first time. When the Doctor has to tell Wilf that his wife's body has been desecrated.

This is also, obviously, where I started getting REALLY carried away with the screencapping.

These quiet moments. These are what make Ten My Doctor. Anyone can shout and jump around and act goofy and babble, but Ten...even in his first little stint on CiN, he showed how he could be quiet, how he could be hurt when Rose asked him to change back, how he could be unconvincing as he tried to look nonchalant about taking her home. I miss him so much already, you guys.

But he won't become a killer. Not this close to the end, not when he has to decide how he wants to remember himself. This life, this regeneration has been defined by friends, by love, by loss...he wept over the Master's body once already this time around, he won't do it again.

And oh god, the Doctor talking about how he killed, how he manipulated others into killing themselves. Again, I think he's probably being too hard on himself here, at least from what we've seen. Because Ten, I think you're magnificent, and you're not a killer, sweetie. Never, ever.

"Sometimes I think a Time Lord lives too long." *wibble*

"Don't you dare, sir. Don't you dare put him before them." Fuckin. A.

"Now you take this, Doctor, that's an order. You take this gun and save your life."

"Please don't die, you're the most wonderful man and I don't want you to die."

Me = great big sobbing wreck.

The Doctor realizes that the Time Lords are coming back. And that is Not A Good Thing.

And apparently the entire high council thinks that this is just a fantastic idea. I do kind-of want to see the horrific horror of the Time War, because weren't the Time Lords "peaceful to the point of indolence"? Must have been a hell of a war.

I love the Doctor finally taking the gun, faced with the prospect of the return of his own people, and his explanation to Wilf of why there's not going to be a party.

"But I've heard you talk about your people like they're wonderful!"
"That's how I choose to remember them."
:( So all these times we've seen Ten weep for the Time Lords, for Gallifrey, for his family, if given a choice he'd never have brought them back anyway. He'd do anything to stop it. This makes me think that his temptation in School Reunion when Anthony Head was trying to get him to join with them had more to do with wanting to keep Rose with him forever than wanting to bring his people back from the dead.

"There's an old Earth saying."

"A phrase of great power and wisdom, and consolation to the soul in times of need..."


I absolutely adore this shot. Gorgeous.

Those are quite a few missles.

I LOVE Luke Skywalker!Wilf.

Hurry Doctor...

I love him. SO. MUCH.

The Master's giddily boyish joy at the Time Lords returning is odd, considering all he wants to do is turn them into...more of him.

I was wondering right along with Wilf and the Vinvocci if the Doctor was just going to crash the damn ship into the house.

As good as Ten looks holding a gun, it's not something I like to see. :(

I know David loves it when the Doctor gets to be a bit of an action hero. I bet he was thrilled with this whole bit.

Oh. Poor baby. I HATE, HATEHATEHATE seeing Ten hurt and bleeding.

The last two children of Gallifrey. Manipulated their entire lives. Used, and abused. I want to cry as much for the Master as I do for the Doctor.

And that's the end of part 1. I am so emotionally exhausted right now, I don't think I can face part 2 till tomorrow. I doubt you'll blame me, and that's where the pain and angst gets turned up to 11.

Literally. :(

2009 specials, picspam, reviews/picspams

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