Picspam 3 of 3.5: Neck!porn of S4!

Aug 22, 2009 08:15

Yes that's right. I've decided there is going to be one additional part after this one, containing the neck!porn of Music of the Spheres, The Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead. I could probably have crammed them onto the end of this one, but then I realized somehow that I lost my copy of MotS and have to download it again and as I've already put this off for the better part of a month I figured I'd best get on with it.

So despite my earlier whinging that S4 seemed to have much less neck!porn than the other seasons, there seems to be just as many if not more screencaps in this one. And a bit of angst, because you try and find screencaps of the Doctor from TSE / JE without catching a bit of angst, I just dare you! However, the previously promised dual neck!porn? She is here.

Warnings: Bad language, and a little bit of light-hearted dissing on River Song.

Oh look at that, it's the neck!porn of Time Crash! I'd forgotten all about that!

Neck!porn of "Oh no. You're a fan." A fan of NECK!PORN!

Five is trying, bless him. He just doesn't have that much of a neck anymore. Still it must be inspirational to see his future self and realize what's in store for him and his glorious neck.

Voyage of the Damned, I honestly couldn't be arsed to pay that close of attention. So I may have missed some fabulous neck!porn along the way, just grabbing the ones that I knew about. But, setting precedent for the rest of S4, it's the tongue! collar...neck!porn...this episode should have just been the Doctor walking around like this for an hour, stopping once in awhile to say "Allons-y!" and "Gosh I can't wait till Rose comes back!"

"My neck!porn God Complex. Let me show you it."

Yay! Partners in Neck!porn Crime!

Some lovely neck!porn and open tongue, though. The closer we get to Rose returning, the more the tongue will not be contained!

Neck!porn in the ghostly green light! I'm a fan.

Hatbox neck!porn.

Volcano Day neck!porn! And the Doctor looking oddly like a chipmunk...

Water gun/sideburns neck!porn (with some lovely Donna-cleavage in the back, I'd like to take a moment to point out).

And waaaaaw, some sad neck!porn. I won't lie, there's going to be a bit of that in here.

Planet of the Ood neck!porn! The best thing about screencapping S4 neck!porn (aside from the obvious), is that you also incidentally catch some fantastic facial expressions from Donna.

Ooh, I love this one, and shared it early the other day. Jedi Time Lord mind-tricks neck!porn.

CRAZYFACE neck!porn!

Aaaand a treat for all of us: the neck!porn of "These are...really good handcuffs!"

On to The Sontaran Stratagem, and the neck!porn of "Please ladies, don't fight over me. Well maybe a little bit."

Webshots felt it necessary to throw most of my screencaps out of order when I uploaded them, so I'm...not entirely sure what's going on here, but it's some lovely neck!porn anyway!

Some neck!porn gettin' sassy with Luke Rattigan.

Ah yes, The Poison Sky neck!porn, gettin' sassy with the Sontarans!

BWAH! Okay, that may be the best screenshot ever, right there. Please feel free to steal for iconing purposes.

There was just quite a lot of lovely neck!porn through this whole scene really. Any time in the show somebody throws something up on a screen, I get my "snapshot"ing finger ready, 'cause there's bound to be neck!porn about.

Hooray! The neck!porn of "Oh you are brilliant."

Gas mask neck!porn! This episode has it all!


Ah but now we move onto The Doctor's Daughter, and the sad neck!porn.

The really sad neck!porn.

The OMG-stop-you're-fucking-killing-me-sad neck!porn (seriously. How lovely is that sad little smile?).

And yet, the sad neck!porn continues...

And we end with some Goddamn Heartbreaking neck!porn.

But! In true Who fashion, our next episode is a delightful romp of neck!porn happytiem!

1920's neck!porn!

Lovely neck-and-tongue!porn combo, with bonus hilarious Donna expression!

Reminiscing about Charlemagne neck!porn.

And we move on to Silence in the Library neck!porn.

Which, while being beautifully lit, is pretty sparse.

The neck!porn of "Oh crap, Donna's been 'saved'!"

The neck!porn of I-apologize,-I-really-was-trying-to-keep-River-Song-out-of-these.

And the neck!porn of Frankly,-I-think-I-did-a-pretty-good-job,-considering!

The neck!porn of You-see?-That's-not-even-her-in-the-suit-back-there!

And some rather disturbing random looking-up neck!porn.

Midnight. Oh, Midnight. Midnight is freakin' rife with neck!porn, however, it is so damn upsetting that I chose to keep it cut back to only the happier neck!porn-y moments.

Slightly terrified, but still happy neck!porn!

Woo-hoo, sonic erection and neck!porn!

And lastly, the neck!porn of that-famous-inappropriately-sexy-screencap:

Whoops, sorry, one more! The neck!porn of "Don't do that. Really, don't." *huggles Doctor*

Turn Left is, predictably, short on neck!porn. But again, what little bit they gave us is quite nice! Behold: the neck!porn of gettin'-drunk-on-Shan-Shen!

Aaaand a massive jump to the neck!porn of "OH CRAP, BAD WOLF!"

"End of the universe" neck!porn.

Neck!porn of "Who stole the soul Earth?!"

Heeeee! The neck!porn of "No! Bo! Ho! Sho! Ko! Ro! To! So!" (Thanks should go here to unfolded73, who previously transcribed the Doctor's Judoon-speak for Paradise Lost, from which I just snagged this, because I am Lazy. :) )

Oooh, 27-planets tongue-and-neck!porn!

The Lost neck!porn Moon of Poosh!

The neck!porn of "Where's Rose?"

The neck!porn of "There she is! If I can only get to her in time for us to have hot, nasty reunion!sex..."

The neck!porn of "Fucking Daleks."

We're approaching the end...the JOURNEY'S End. *rimshot* Hey, I'm trying to keep the mood light, all right? The neck!porn of "Look at me!" (we are!)

The always-enjoyable looking-up-at-screen-while-being-angry neck!porn.

*SQUEE*! NAKED neck!porn! Thank you, RTD!

And there you have it: dual neck!porn, ladies and gentlemen ladies and John Barrowman.

alt!Ten gives great neck!porn, because he's not all bundled up in a tie and collar. Bless him.

More dual neck!porn! And though it's true that we all know that one of these necks does not, in fact, belong to the fantastic David Tennant, I daresay that Colum gives some great neck!porn as well, and I would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers. Or bananas.

And our final moment of delectable dual neck!porn. Of course we all know that after this Jackie and Donna went off to the nearest pub and had several glasses of wine and were adorable together while these three had hot three-way sex for the next several hours, and that scene survived up to nearly the final cut but at long last and under much pressure Russell cut it from the final draft and is instead saving it for the Tenth Doctor's final episode. When he regenerates, from sexual exhaustion.

There you have it! As a side note: the previously mentioned next bit will be postponed until we're in the new house, as will any new ficcing/projects/whathaveyou. I'm still going to be around, but I honestly need to cut myself off and get packing. :)

david tennant, series four, picspam

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