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Thoughts while watching:
1. Goodness - he says it's the early hours, and I believe him! He has that sort of slow drawl and wide-eyed look that I get when I'm up way past my bedtime.
2. Cute as ever, of course.
3. I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep watching these if everything he does, he refers to as "The first (insert word) of my last stint on Doctor Who". :(
4. Planet of the Dead...deserted road...if there's zombies in this thing, I will pee my pants with glee! Okay not really, but there will be bouncing and clapping.
5. For some reason, I really don't like that chick...her face creeps me out, like her eyes are too far apart or something...we'll have to wait and see if she wins me over.