Dean with his bedroom and his weapons and his old vinyl. He hauled a memory foam mattress in there. "It remembers me!" And his picture of him and his mom. Deeeeeeean.
And then with the COOKING. With the awesome-est burgers of all time. "We've got a kitchen now."
Kevin is a adorable, with his nasty hot dogs and glassy-eyed research. I used to think he ran a really poor second to Chuck, but that race is ON.
Liked the ranchhand girl. The family was seriously pretty lame, but she was good. Lil bit of nice chemistry with Dean. (But what is it with him and the BZUHHHH? lately when people proposition him? Has it been that long since he got laid?
And what's up with Crowley not giving (Ellie? is that her name?) the full poop on the deal? I thought crossroads demons had to be honest and up-front with the deets.
Loved the boys and their Clark Kent Specs of Hellhound Spotting.
I imagine a good third of the fandom is screeching right now about It All Being About Sam -- but Sam's speech to Dean brought a serious lump to my throat. This Dean seems like "Croatoan" Dean, being all exhausted and fatalistic; and an echo of "Magnificent Seven" with the "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die" routine. It seems genuine and in character to me, and not manipulated for the sake of Giant Manly Uber-Angst.
Oh! And Dean with the grill. "I like a man who can handle his meat." Ooooh. Dirty!
Not sure where this is all going, as I've mentioned to various flisties. I would think, they won't carry the Three Trials past the end of this season -- but I can't see the gates of Hell being slammed shut in 8.23. So -- does Kevin mis-translate something? Do the angels interfere, because closing the gates messes with the natural order of things?
I am intrigued. And all smiley-faced, because DEAN. BABY!
Keep going, Show. 9 more to go, plus another season. Or two. You're on a roll. How 'bout we not screw this up?