One more post about John...

May 27, 2007 08:55

Two things.  First, this STUNNING piece of art that's popped up around the fandom.  If you made this, or know who made it, please let us know so we can give this person credit!  (ETA:  Bobbysidjit is the talented artist, and her work is here !)

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dean, sam, john, henry

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ficwriter1966 February 2 2013, 14:31:51 UTC
I think you've been hanging with your homies too much. *g*

Nice to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and yours these days!


izhilzha February 2 2013, 16:19:59 UTC
That's beautiful! I finally caught up with the show last night, and was thrilled by the most recent episode... especially this quote. <3


ficwriter1966 February 2 2013, 17:15:38 UTC
I've just been flailing all over the place! And I'm sure you know, I haven't done much flailing this season. Feels good to be back to flinging body parts all over the room. *g*

Glad you're feeling the squee too!


feliciakw February 2 2013, 17:34:09 UTC
You're caught up? *squee*!!!!!

What's you're schedule like? Is it possible for us to Tea and Squee this weekend? Or some evening in the coming week?


quickreaver February 2 2013, 16:36:30 UTC
That is a SUPER cool graphic. I did a reverse-image search and I think I've found your artist:

There are many unsung characters I've not explored, and John is one of them. I like him, too. As a parent, I have a LOT of sympathy for him. I'll have to think of doing something with him this month.


ficwriter1966 February 2 2013, 17:17:00 UTC
Hmmm... she says in her sidebar that none of the graphics are hers, so I think the mystery continues! She *has* collected some gorgeous pieces, though, so I've bookmarked her page.

Oh yes, let your muse do some thinking about John! I'm looking forward to seeing the results.


quickreaver February 2 2013, 17:28:39 UTC
Well, shoot! I didn't poke around her site hard enough, obviously. I shall not be thwarted, though!

EDIT: though she does say when the edits are hers, she labels them as such and that was one of them. I wonder what that means, exactly. I'll ask.


quickreaver February 3 2013, 03:32:08 UTC
Okay, I asked at the tumblr site; it IS her own personal photomanip, so you're good to credit her! Here's the addy again:


cassiopeia7 February 2 2013, 19:36:40 UTC
That art IS gorgeous. Thank you so much for linking it!

*checks out new comm*


ficwriter1966 February 2 2013, 19:49:33 UTC
You're welcome!

This fandom is just loaded with talented people, isn't it?


tifaching February 2 2013, 20:35:11 UTC
That's a fantastic picture. I've got some John centric fic to send their way and I'll get on it in a non-spammy way. :D


ficwriter1966 February 2 2013, 20:59:19 UTC
Isn't it gorgeous? And I figure, if we want John World to be an interesting place, it's up to all of us to contribute something to the mix! jdsgirlbev is having Internet access issues right now, but I figure once she gets back, she'll be tickled with the new activity!


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