SPN FIC - Legend (Part Sixteen: Dean and Jo - a/k/a The Conclusion)

Sep 03, 2011 12:41

I'd heard whispered bits of the story since I was a kid. Just after Halloween, back in '83, the demon Azazel had crept into the nursery of a baby boy, intending to drip blood into the child's mouth and turn him into demon spawn.  But Mary Campbell was waiting for him.  She had a gun a stranger had brought to her family ten years before: a gun that ( Read more... )

dean, legend, au, jo

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vikingprincess September 3 2011, 20:08:27 UTC
This completely works for me. And as the closest thing to a proposal that Dean is likely ever to make (or at least that's how I took it), it was quite satisfactorily laid back, as was Jo's reply.

I love that Mary and John are hunting together, BTW. :D

Also, that might be THE hottest Dean/Jensen shot I've seen in a while.


ficwriter1966 September 3 2011, 20:41:21 UTC
Isn't that a massively gorgeous photo? It popped up in my screensaver slide show, and I thought hmm, got to include that in the post. (Then, of course, LJ went insane again.) I have to say, if I were Jo and *that* came rolling up to my door... Well.

Glad you enjoyed the story! I really had a good time putting it together.


vikingprincess September 3 2011, 20:59:36 UTC
I didn't merely enjoy the story - I loved it. :)

The photo is totally my main Dean icon now.


ficwriter1966 September 3 2011, 21:51:24 UTC
That really means a lot to me, in these days where readers and commenters are hard to come by! Thank you so much. :)


vikingprincess September 4 2011, 03:56:36 UTC
You're very welcome.


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