The Master Fic List - Multi-Chap Case Fics

Jun 01, 2007 05:00

I thought you guys might find this useful: an all-in-one-place list of my multi-chaps, laid out in the order they were written.  Maybe you'll find something you'd like to try, or would like to revisit.  If that's true, I hope you enjoy the trip.  And if you feel like commenting, have at it!  Your little waves bring a smile to my day.

Written Fall 2006, posted spring 2007
Timeline:  Mid-S2 (AU after that point)
114,000 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, Sarah and Daniel Blake, OCs
Dad is dead -- and he left a disturbing final message with Dean.  Traumatized by their loss, and by what's going unsaid between them, Sam and Dean return to New York for a reunion with Sarah Blake, and to investigate a series of mysterious, gory deaths.  With the aid of a trio of desperate homeless kids and a preacher who's seen far too much, they search for the killer -- and find themselves square in the sights of a demon who'd like very much to take Dean as his next victim.

Written/Posted Fall 2007
Timeline:  Late S2 (immediately prior to AHBL)
24,000 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, OCs
After Dean's encounter with the djinn, the boys visit Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to dispatch a poltergeist.  During a visit to a phony haunted house so Sam can meet and talk shop with the local "myths and legends" expert, they discover that the house really is haunted.  And so is Dean.

Written/Posted Winter-Spring 2008
Timeline:  Late S1
84,000 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, OCs
A few days after the events of Nightmare, Dean and Sam travel to a small, isolated town in the Adirondacks to investigate a series of peculiar deaths.  Together with a local family of hunters -- who are more a liability to the Winchesters than an asset -- the boys uncover the threads of a century-old tragedy ... one that might claim Dean as its next victim.

Written/Posted Summer 2009
Timeline:  S4
30,000 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, OCs
Dean receives an unexpected bequest from someone he worked for for a month, seven years ago.  A generous gift, one he decides to wallow in like a pig  Because he deserves a little pampering.  A little relaxation.  A little luxury.  Especially if he's got his bro at his side.  But things aren't always what they seem -- and Dean will come to realize how very much he needs Sam beside him, keeping watch over him, and protecting him from someone who wants to make sure that he pays for this unexpected gift -- with his life.

Written/Posted Summer-Fall 2009
Timeline:  Pre-series, summer 2000
27,000 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, John, Bobby, OCs
John, the boys, and Bobby are in a small Connecticut coastal town investigating signs of demon activity. Or John and Bobby are, at least. Dean's delivering pizza (with a side order of Dean) and Sam has taken a job doing yard work for a young couple with a big, rambling house on a bluff overlooking the ocean. A nice way to spend the summer, right? Um ... not so much. The nice young couple has their secrets, and some digging for a rose garden unearths something that was long-buried for a very good reason.

Written/Posted Fall 2009
Timeline:  Post-apocalypse
32,500 words
Characters:  Sam, Dean, OCs
The Winchesters, a bit older, a bit wiser, and a little the worse for wear, are back to saving people and hunting things.  One of those things, according to a call from Bobby, killed a hunter whose home base was New York City -- a place Dean visited a couple of times during Sam's stint at Stanford and which he isn't at all enthused about visiting again.  But a job is a job, particularly when there's something hideous lurking in the shadows.

Written/Posted Winter 2009
Timeline:  Pre-series, Christmastime 1987
17,000 words
Characters:  John, Dean, Sammy, OCs
An homage to the classic Twilight Zone episode "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?", written by Rod Serling.  The premise (tweaked into SPN) -- a group of people stranded at an isolated diner during a blizzard. Two troopers show up, searching for a fugitive. The patrons of the diner were passengers on a bus. Six passengers, swears the driver. But ... there are seven people in the diner.

Written/Posted Winter 2009-2010
Timeline:  S5
17,500 words
Characters:  Dean, Castiel, OCs
After a long, disheartening couple of days on the road, Dean went to bed in a motel.  But when he wakes up, he finds himself in a place that makes no sense to him: it looks like a fancy hotel, but its corridors stretch on into infinity, there are no guests in any of the rooms -- and the only companions he can find are a friendly, enthusiastic dog ... and an angel named Castiel.

Written/Posted Spring 2010
Timeline:  Preseries, Spring 2003
13,000 words
Characters:  Dean, John, OCs
Let's wind the clock back to the spring of 2003.  Sam's at Stanford, but he's not unsupervised; John's been making frequent trips there, because you'd be amazed how much supernatural crap goes down within a 50-mile radius of Palo Alto.  And John being John, he's doing his "checking up on Sam" side trips on his own -- which leaves Dean solo.  Until a 13-year-old misfit named JD decides Dean is just the badass he wants to attach himself to.

Written/Posted Spring 2010
Timeline:  Late S1
8,000 words
Characters:  Dean, Sam, OCs
It's supposed to be simple: retrieving a thousand-year-old statue (that's amusing itself by murdering people) from somebody's office.  But we're talking about the Winchesters, here, so it should be no surprise that Dean ends up trapped on a stalled elevator with a pregnant woman and a werewolf wannabe -- or that he and Sam are the statue's latest targets.

Written/Posted Summer 2010
Timeline:  July 2011, AU after mid-S5
47,000 words
Characters:  Dean, Sam, Bobby, OCs

A mysterious message, bearing a single word: BAY. It could be a cry for help, or it could be a trap. Armed with a little information from Bobby, Sam and Dean travel to a tiny town in the New Mexico desert and find themselves surrounded by angry hunters, oddball locals, and an elusive creature that's been slaughtering humans since before The West Was Won.

Written/Posted Spring 2011
Timeline:  Now-ish
19,000 words
Characters:  Dean, Sam, OCs
It's just a drive from here to...anywhere else, to get away from the pouring rain.  But something runs across the road in front of the Impala.  Something with gigantic, beady eyes.  Something intelligent.  Something that's out to kill everyone it finds.

multi-chap, master list

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