My new hair, bitches.

Jul 25, 2005 23:57

So, my new hair style is going to look exactly like this, colours and all:

And if I get the extensions it'll look like this:

First my hair is going to get bleached out and will be white blonde. Then I'm going to wait until it's mostly healthy again and add some exotic colours. Actually, Cassie, I want you to do them because, well, you're amazing with funky hair colours. Lastly, I'll decide on the extensions. If it looks awesome short, it's gonna stay short because I like my hair already, I just need a new cut. But I'd like long hair for a change. I dunno, I'm still undecided, but I thought I'd be nice and inform you all of my decisions so far.

Apparently that chick is only like 13, but goddamn she's hot.

Oh yeah, I'm probably getting my eyebrow pierced sometime soon. And I'm emphasizing probably because it's not for certain yet. I'm just kinda worried about getting eyeshadow in the piercing or something and having it get all infected and gross. Ewwwwwwwwww.

I feel like altering some clothes, so I guess I'm gonna go rock out a few shirts or work on my pants.

[SIDE NOTE:] Lesbian spy movies are the best. Especially when you watch them with Shannon and her dad comes in the room. Haha, your dad thinks you're a dyke!

(Sorry for updating two nights in a row... I promise it won't happen again.)
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