Jan 28, 2005 23:36
So tomorrow I will post pictures from Meg's house tonight. Let me warn you, these are the hottest yet!
Tomorrow morning at 7:30 me and my NEW stalker Shannon (Sorry Ray! You slacked off too much!) are going to Big Boy for some frickin sweet belguim waffels. Insert excited-ness here!
Shannon you fat lard come get your waffles
So, to tide you all over, I will post this interesting convo between me and Tom. I'll let you ponder what it's about.
hoked oncronics: So what color is it today kelsey?
hoked oncronics: lol
xCthulhuDawn9: It's lepord print!
hoked oncronics: NICE
xCthulhuDawn9: Oh yes.
hoked oncronics signed off at 11:27:24 PM.
Okay, so you ALL must check my journal tomorrow or after for some awesome pictures.