Apr 09, 2004 12:38

Holy shit break started off with a bang lemme explain this situation...

Ok i was inside on the computer and potts was outside skatin and i was talking to shelby all of a sudden my brother krutches his ass into my room and goes, "potts just got his board ganked by some poser!" so i fucking run outside as fast as i can and me and his go ridin for this kid and looking for him for like and hour so then we get back and my mom wakes up cuz she was sleepin and she goes, "y the hell didn't you guys call the cops?!?" and we just stare at her like ahhhhhh idk with this stupid look on our face so we call the cops and when they come he says that he'll take us around in his car to see if we could find him... so all the neighbors are looking at us cuz wer in the back of a cop car and it was halarious so then later the cop finds the board on the side of the road and he goes to the kids girlfriends house cuz she lives in the area he then calls potts house from ronnies girlfriends house and says he found it the phone at that house has caller id so ronnie calls and appologizes n some shit like that and then potts mom flipped out when she heard the story man it was great!This all happened yesterday the first day of spring break let's hope that our whole spring break is filled with some good shit!
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