so, i bite my nails and they're shorter than a dude's.

Mar 09, 2009 14:07


My uncle's wife had a baby on Saturday. They called him Bailey [different spelling though, but we're not sure how yet]. No, she is not my aunt. My aunt is my uncle's ex, as far as I'm concerned. Yes, this kid is still my cousin.

...Shut up, I know I'm dysfunctional.

My mum and I broke down out the front of this little food-caravan-shop-thing near the club on Saturday because we went to buy deep-fried kitkats. We were there until two in the goddamn morning, surrounded by drunks. It was petrifying. But my other uncle came and gave us a jumpstart and we lived. [/power to the people]

I saw Watchmen last night. It was good, but really really slow. And it had pointless sex scenes in it to appeal to horny teenage nerdboys. Het sex scenes too. Argh. Fuck het. Make some more Brokebacks, y/y?

I got twitter. It's fun. Gerard Way is a dumbass.

Something tells me I'm spending too much time lurking the NGT boards, too. I think I've finally figured out how to put glitter eyeliner on right... and I did not figure that out just by myself. Fuck, I wouldn't be wearing it if NGT hadn't metaphorically parked their pretty-boy asses on my metaphorical doorstep.

Oh, and I'm in the advanced classes for English at school because I'm working at an above-university level. Win? Notrly. 'Rents are trying to make me slave over math so I can skip a grade. Noway. Ufail, n00bz.

In other news... penis.


I'm going blonde soonish. As soon as my current purple washes/grows out.

twittering, stealing makeups, movies, newsnewsnews, random shit, -flail-, goddamn het

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