i haven't posted this year so i thought i should.

Jan 07, 2011 00:30

So maybe it's 12:21AM right now. >.>

I'm about to go and get myself a heatpack and curl up for the night, and well yeah. I just wanted to ramble a little I guess.

There's too much of nothing going on right now and I hate it. I hate summer in general.

Though. Plus side, sort of. I've been writing more and shit. I've currently got in the works:
  • An epic Waycest/Frikey/Frerard inspired by The Virgin Suicides.
  • The beginnings/thought-plannings/skeletons of two Waycests.
  • Multiple counts of shy/nervous/artkid/artist!Gerard in various fics [see above Virgin Suicides fic - he is a weird kid in that by himself... anyway].
  • Peter London / Simon Cruz smutfic inspired by Peter's recent drag photoshoot thing and the new thing Crashdiet have going at their gigs [or maybe just the one in Malmo, idk] in which Simon is tortured onstage [YAY DRAG AND BONDAGE, AMIRITE].
  • Slowly getting going on my epic Peter / Olli fic.
  • Skeletons of future crossovers and Candyfics, and rewrites of old Candyfics.
That is about it off the top of my head. Sidenote, though...

And yeah. I don't know.
Not looking forward to school again at all, but I bleached my hair again today and ahh peroxide, I love the smell of thee. It's kid of weird really.

how do i not have a slash tag already, psychotic?, writing too much, mcr, writing journal!, upcoming fics, crashdiet

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