Title: Merry Christmas and Happy Manipulation
Fandom: Doctor Who, Rose/TenII
Spoilers: Just Journey's End
Disclaimer: if only I ruled the Whoniverse
Summary: Holiday fluff in which The Doctor wants something for Christmas and Rose says no.
Rating: Rated E, but there are like two semi-swear words.
A/N: Just sort of wrote it in about ten minutes, so it's probably riddled with typing errors.
“No Doctor!” Rose said to him as they strolled in the park. The emphatic nature of her tone brooked no argument. So of course The Doctor argued.
“Oh, please, please, please?” Well maybe begged would have been the better descriptor.
“There’s nowhere to keep it” Rose whined, she absolutely refused to give in to him this time.
“But…” Was that a whimper? Did the almighty, half-human, Oncoming Storm just whimper?
“I said no!” Really, if her voice cracked in amusement it was completely unintentional.
“But it’s Christmas! My very first Christmas as a Human-Time Lord-Biological-Meta-Crisis!” He countered.
“Doctor…” She wasn’t weakening, nope, not at all.
“Come oooon! Rose, I’ll love you forever!” There was that whimper again, and was that followed up with a whine?
“You already love me forever!” At least he’d better. She scoffed at his chocolate brown eyes. Puppy-dog eyes weren’t going to work this time damn it! Not This Time!
“More then I already do! You can even win the next argument.” Well as far as bribes go, that was a pretty hefty one where Rose was concerned.
“Really?” Well that got her attention. He blinked at her in expectation.
She sighed, reminding herself to be strong.
“No Doctor. I’m sorry but you can’t have a reindeer for Christmas.” Some things were just impossible. Besides, how would she explain it to her mother?
She snuggled up to him; really she did almost feel sorry for him. This was especially so when he sucked in his bottom lip in a blatant attempt to stop it from quivering. She highly doubted it was in actual danger of doing so but the affect was still quite stunning, in a pitiful sort of way.
“Kris Bloody Kringle gets nine and I can’t even have one!” Add pouting to the list, it should keep nice company with whimpering and whining. The Doctor was mastering the behavior of a two year-old. Rose knew she loved him because instead of finding it annoying, she found it utterly irresistible. She snuggled closer.
“I love you Doctor.” She said with a smile before her lips ascended to meet his in the middle.
He flashed her a devilish grin and his eyes immediately brightened. Her heart lurched in her chest and her stomach commenced its hula-hoop routine around her arse. He was about to go in for the kill. She had a feeling he’d been working up to what was coming next the whole time.
“If not a reindeer, can we get a puppy?” Oh, dear.
Oh, and who is excited about Naked!Booth tonight? I know I am. :D