Booth and Brennan give us a lesson on being a non-couple

Oct 09, 2009 15:22

The actual case/mystery of last nights episode of Bones was a little bit forgettable (in fact I've already forgotten it) but there were several revealing scenes between Booth and Bones that were written and executed absolutely perfectly.  The magic of this show has always been the chemistry and the interaction between Brennan and her FBI Agent/Super Hero Booth and last night's episode proves it.

These two are so lovable when they are insisting on not being in a relationship.  The fact is they are practically married and just don't know it! Now, for most of you BONES watchers this is not news, but last night's episode is a perfect example of the state of denial that their relationship has reached. Let me set the scene for those of you who missed it.  At the end of the episode Booth, Brennan and Booth's son, Parker (who is just all kinds of cute in a precocious/intuitive sort of way) are having lunch at the diner when Parker asks Brennan if she'll be his dad's girlfriend.  Brennan in return asks why he seems so preocuppied with Booth having a girlfriend and he replies its because he wants a pool.  Earlier Parker had been talking to Angela about how his friend's dad had a new girlfriend with a pool in her backyard.  Brennan in response to this revelation offers the key to her apartment complex's pool to Booth and Parker.  This coupled with the earlier scene when Booth asks Brennan on a date, without actually realizing it, pretty much proves that these two are the king and queen of Non-Coupledom.  Thanks to Parker the audience now has yet another example of how these two feel about eachother, while still allowing the characters themselves remain oblivious.  It's utterly brilliant!  In giving the key to her pool over Brennan basically said to Parker (and the audience) "I am your dad's girlfriend" without even realizing it.

I don't really know why I find this so amusing, maybe its because I have no love life of my own to speak of, or maybe its because these to actors/characters are so unbelievably cute together that I almost think making them an actual couple would ruin everything, but there's one thing I know for sure: something about this tight-rope act of non-couple/couple tension that the writers of this show seem to keep up effortlessly is a pure winner.  They have a very asexual thing going on between them with an undercurrent of sexaul tension.  I know this seems like a paradox, and in alot of ways it is.  That's what makes them so fun to watch.  They rely on eachother, they trust eachother, and they are constantly connecting and relating to eachother, what more could anyone ask for in a relationship?  Well...except for mind boggling sex that is, which I'm sure given the chemistry between these too won't fail to happen when the time is right.

Also, was it just me or does it seem that Bones and  Booth might be channeling a little bit of Amelia Peabody and her Archeoligist husband Emerson in the scenes from the next episode.  It does look like it will be centered around an Egyptian Mummy after all.  I for one can't wait!

egyption mummies, gushing, emerson, amelia peabody, david boreanaz, non couple, elizabeth peters, brennan, bones, booth

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