Harry Potter panel at Comic Con

Jul 15, 2008 16:11

Harry Potter Comes to San Diego Comic-Con!!!!
From 10:30-11:30 on Sunday, June 27th, In Room 2, The San Diego Comic-Con will be presenting it's first Harry Potter panel! It's Muggles, Wizards, and Fans in the World of Harry Potter- Panel members Erin Pyne (author of A Fandom of Magical Proportions), Sue Upton (senior editor of www.the-leaky-cauldron.org and co-host of Pottercast), Melissa Anelli (author of Harry: A History), and Heidi Tandy (webmaster, Fiction Alley) will have wands at ready as they discuss what makes Harry Potter fans so different from members of other fandoms. How has the HP fandom affected the development of the books and movies? Moderated by notorious Muggle Eric Bowling - the panel will include a Q&A with our panel and should be great fun!
Low Price Sunday Tickets are still available but Comic-Con sells out FAST. Go to: http://www.comic-con.org/ for more information.
This will hopefully be the beginning of what will be a successful partnership with Harry Potter Fans and CCI. Come out and show your support!!!
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