We at NANOfiction.org, a journal of short fiction, would like to invite you to participate in our next issue. We are currently preparing our sophomore edition to be released in September. We had great success with our premiere issue and we are making efforts to expand our readership and contributors. The magazine was designed specifically with young and unpublished writers in mind. Please take advantage of this opportunity to be published and submit to NANOfiction. As always, submissions are rolling, but if you would like to be included in the next issue, it is paramount that you submit within the next few weeks. What else are you doing with your summer anyway?
You may submit to
NANOFictionMag@gmail.com Submissions must be 500 words or less. Anything over 500 words will not be read. Please include your full name, titled work, a short third-person biography, and contact information (email, web site, phone number). Unless it interrupts the form of your work, we appreciate single spaced Word Documents. If your piece is selected, we will notify you prior to its release via email.
Note: Don't be afraid to think outside the standard margins. Be creative. Use form to enhance your piece. NANO Fiction can be an extremely innovative form of storytelling, use it to your advantage.